Recent content by JNB

  1. JNB

    Wildlife Photography

  2. JNB

    New Chick with Blood

    Hi, This is my first time hatching 🐣. This is my last egg to hatch. It has what looks like fresh blood spot on its rear. It took a lot longer to hatch than the rest. I actually thought it was a dud until it pipped yesterday morning. In the picture you can see the bloody fluid that came out at...
  3. JNB

    Ivermectin dosage for scaly leg mites

    If the bird hasnt been wormed it "could" have a parasite overload. Worming with certain wormers can cause a big parasite load discharge and cause the bird to "plug up" that can make them very sick and even kill them. A lot of people use Wazine first and then follow with Eprinex or Ivomectrin...
  4. JNB

    Neck Issues and horrible diarrhea! What is this?

    Thos are the only ones I have. Sorry they are not better. Yes she did pass away about an hour after I found her. The poop was watery, green, and had small chunks of yellowish material (kind of looked like cooked egg white but yelllow) At first I thought she had an egg laying issues like one...
  5. JNB

    Neck Issues and horrible diarrhea! What is this?

    We came home from vacation. Neighbors were watching our critters. I noticed one if my hens didnt come in to roost. I found her curled up outside the coop under a bush. It was pretty obvious she wasn't gonna make it much longer. I checked her for bugs found no signs. Her neck was twisted (Wry...
  6. JNB

    How much fermented feed?

    Kind of a rule of thumb is feeding them what they will clean up in a 15 minutes time frame. Sometimes when you first start FF the birds will eat less because its new Then eat like they are starving for a few days because their body/ gut basically craves the good stuff. If it were me for 4...
  7. JNB

    Parrot food for chickens?

    A few years ago I adopted a flock of chickens from a lady that past away.She raised exotic birds an had hundreds of them. Well come to find out she had been feeding her chickens just parrot and exotic bird food. They were some of the most beautifully feathered and plump birds I ever saw. That...
  8. JNB

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Thanks everyone for the replies. I appreciate the help. :)
  9. JNB

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Hi Everyone. I have a question I was hoping you all could answer. We have a lot of cedar trees on our property. I use bunches of the limbs that I trim in our barn. I hang them by the stalls. It seems to help with bugs like flies. I was thinking of hanging some from the roof in our hoop coops...
  10. JNB

    Meat bird fermented feed cost savings

    I actually got started from reading Beekissed and Kassanudras postings a couple of years ago! Im sure I was a pest with all my questions to Bee and a few others :) I credit them and this site to a lot of my "chicken Knowledge" :) I feed my Cornish cross about the same as you feed your layers...
  11. JNB

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Hi folks been awhile since I popped in .. Just been lurking and learning. I have a question.. It may be a repeat and I apologize but have been reading for over an hour today and last night and not found info I need :) Hubby brought home some Brewery Grain...2 trash cans full. Its a wet mix. I...
  12. JNB

    Meat bird fermented feed cost savings

    This will be my 3rd year of doing CX on fermented feed. I'm doing 80 CX and 20 misc. Largest batch Ive done so far. Process date is labor day weekend. I have kept all my receipts this time and If you would like Ill come back when all is said and done and post the feed cost. I love the FF method...
  13. JNB

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Hello Washington Chicken Lovers :).... Thought Id stop by today and say hello. Been awhile since I was here:).... Seems I only get to be social in the rainy/winter months LOL. Hope all is well for you all. Welcome to the new peeps:) Ill be at the show in November... maybe I ll get to see some...
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