Recent content by Jo Plescow

  1. Jo Plescow

    I need help seeing my silkies!

    Well here’s both either way! The white one dipshit also has way more feathers on the feet
  2. Jo Plescow

    I need help seeing my silkies!

    From facing forward or from the side?
  3. Jo Plescow

    I need help seeing my silkies!

    I have two silkies about 20 weeks old and was wondering if anyone can tell me if I have a rooster. I can tell that they’re different but I can’t tell how and I’ve read all the differences on how to tell but I look at them and just have no idea. Cornbread, my buff silkie has started to take on a...
  4. Jo Plescow

    Egg bound hen with very first egg

    Hi all, Phoenix, Az is having a record breaking heat wave with over 20 days straight of 110+ degrees. My five chicken just reached 18 weeks between June and July. I have one so far, a barred rock, laying daily and doing well. Unfortunately about a week ago my silver laced Wyandotte passed while...
  5. Jo Plescow

    Lighting in coop and run

    I appreciate the help with the lighting! What I meant to say about the predators is there are certainly far more than just cats, however im in the deep center of a very large subdivision with 8 foot brick wall fencing lines. So the only predator I’ve ever seen come as far deep into my yard is...
  6. Jo Plescow

    Water too warm in summers

    Does anyone have any tips on how to not let the water get too warm in the summer? I change it once daily. It’s in the shade but it’s starting to get into the 100s in Arizona and I work full time so I can’t change the water more than once a day and it’s definitely warm by the end of the day. And...
  7. Jo Plescow

    Lighting in coop and run

    Hi everyone, I have some questions about lighting in the coop/run. My chickens are just a few weeks away from laying age and I’ve been confused and getting mixed answers on how long chickens need total darkness at night for best egg production. I live in Arizona where there’s no daylight savings...
  8. Jo Plescow

    Sexing silkies

    Yes! Sorry
  9. Jo Plescow

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  10. Jo Plescow

    Sexing silkies

    I got the from a place called the stock shop in Phoenix. Mixes as in not purebred silkies? That would be a bummer I was told they are just silkies
  11. Jo Plescow

    Sexing silkies

    Hi everyone, in new to raising chickens so please don’t judge if I don’t use proper terms! I have 5 chickens, 2 of them being silkies. I knew my risks of ending up with a rooster but I wanted a silkie because my mom had one and said they’re just the sweetest. They’re about 4 1/2 weeks old right...
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