Recent content by nancypo

  1. nancypo

    My chicken coop is smaller than I expected :(

    I would have sent it back personally since you got ripped off. And I would file a complaint against that company and do an online review. We have a sunroom on our coop in winter in Idaho to give the birds more room in the snow and rain. It's easy enough to do and you can use recycle materials...
  2. nancypo

    Not Egg Bound?

    She's looking better, eating and drinking and her comb color has improved. Keeping her inside tonight where it's nice and warm and cozy. Will dose her up again in the morning and see how she does
  3. nancypo

    Tetroxy HCA dosing?

    Yeah she's inside right now inside of a double laundry basket nice and clean and warm and dry. We'll see how she looks tomorrow but she's looking better already her color is better and she seems pretty alert and is eating and drinking
  4. nancypo

    Tetroxy HCA dosing?

    Okay thanks, don't want to dose the other two birds unnecessarily
  5. nancypo

    Tetroxy HCA dosing?

    And would you suggest giving her a small amount in a syringe with yogurt or something three times a day or twice a day or? For a week? Two weeks?
  6. nancypo

    Tetroxy HCA dosing?

    Great thanks I just wanted to check! Will try mixing some with some yogurt this evening and giving her some
  7. nancypo

    Not Egg Bound?

    I already gave her some calcium in a liquid form. Called a couple local places and they don't have anything over the counter luckily I do have the tetracycline on hand. She was a very good layer last year. It's interesting timing since they just first started laying in the last week after taking...
  8. nancypo

    Tetroxy HCA dosing?

    I have tetroxy hca280 soluble powder. I'm trying to figure out how to do a small dose for my one sick chicken. I believe before I read for an adult chicken it is 1/4 tsp to 1 gallon of water? The directions are for large doses using portions of the pack. Any help with the math would be...
  9. nancypo

    Not Egg Bound?

    I did check my chicken emergency kit and I do have some tetracycline soluble powder so we'll start her on that
  10. nancypo

    Not Egg Bound?

    We'll try some calcium I did give her some electrolytes already. She's sleeping comfortably now which is good. The hard rubbery thing was attached to her feathers near her bottom. We've been keeping a very clean coop and chickens for almost 15 years and I've never seen this. Well keep her inside...
  11. nancypo

    Not Egg Bound?

    For the second day I found one of my hens in the coop looking distraught. Wings down hunker down not looking happy. She's about 2 years old and we have an urban flock of three birds. She's a Rhode Island red. Two of them have started laying recently, not laying during the winter. They're on a...
  12. nancypo

    Just put our new chickens in their new home... What do you think?

    Yes I would say not only too small but I don't see any roosting areas inside or perches? The dog run is a great area but you need a much bigger Coop especially if you're in an area where there will either be a lot of rain or snow or cold weather in the winter where they will be inside tomorrow...
  13. nancypo

    Chicken safe paint inisde coop

    I wouldn't paint the floor personally since chickens always pack on the floors. Some people use plywood, vinyl. we used recycled untreated 2x4s. I've never heard of anybody painting the inside walls particularly. You can put down food grade diomatacious earth and that helps with control of...
  14. nancypo

    New coop, to seal or not

    Just make sure you add lots of vents for ventilation to keep it cool in the summer. You'll want some screened windows or you can use hard ware cloth which we used. If you don't have enough ventilation with fresh air circulating your chickens will get sick and they will overheat in the summer. I...
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