
I am 35 and married to my high school sweetheart. We have one daughter who is 13. We added 6 baby chicks to our life in January 2023 and then another 7 in March 2023. We have around 6 acres in MS and free range our older chickens and are working to get our younger ones there too soon. We have one dog, a beagle who is 9 years old and acts like the furthest thing ever from a beagle. She doesn't bark/howl and is very gentle with my birds. I have 12 pullets and 1 Cockerel. Their breeds are Rhode Island Red, RIR Mixes, Barred Rocks, One White leghorn, a Buff Orpington, Red Sex Links, and one little Easter Egger. I quickly poured my heart and soul into these sweet babies and strive to provide them the best life possible. I spend time with them daily and look forward to it more than you can imagine. If my husband cannot find me he knows where I likely am at. My friends all tease me that I am the last person they know they would have ever thought would own and love chickens. My husband is so happy I finally found a hobby as I have always just joined others in their hobbies. I now spend my time scrolling this site in hopes I can prepare myself for any issues that may come up and educating myself on situations. My chickens started out as a way to have fresh eggs but I could care less now about the eggs and just love them so much.
Jan 10, 1988 (Age: 36)
Senatobia, MS
Real Name
Nicci Gillentine
Why do you want to join our community?
I am a new chicken owner looking to learn the ways of the experienced chicken owners. I really want to be the best chicken mom I can be :-)
Credit Risk Manager



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