Recent content by Pojojuniper

  1. P

    My chicken coop is smaller than I expected :(

    I hope you got a refund (or at least partial refund) for not getting the size you ordered! I would have been really mad.
  2. P

    Help with presentation to change HOA rule against chickens

    Chicken coop in multi-million dollar neighborhood? Here ya' go. Yes, it really is chicken coop and run.
  3. P

    Comment by 'Pojojuniper' in article 'New member 2 days down meny more to come'

    I do enjoy a good conspiracy theory.
  4. P

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I spent about five minutes picking slugs and snails off plants around my patio then fed them to my ducks.
  5. P

    Rooster is nice to everyone, except my husband.

    Sorry I don't have any specific advice, but I am in a similar situation. Our rooster is always trying to get in a sneak attack on my husband! And he's around a lot, so I don't think your problem is necessarily caused by your husband being unfamiliar to your rooster. I genuinely think the...
  6. P

    If you could build your ultimate coop, what what would you build?

    A bit extravagant, but if I could build the coop/run of my dreams it would look a little something like this.
  7. P

    Two roosters...

    This behavior is hilarious. We throw them treats and our rooster, Smitty, alerts his ladies and some of them fall for it. Others have caught on to his game a little faster.
  8. P

    How do you sell your eggs?

    I'm new to this, and I have been giving my surplus eggs to close neighbors and friends. I am thinking that rather than selling eggs, I'll put them out with a request for donations toward the cost of feed and supplies. Because honestly I don't need the money, and I want to be a blessing to...
  9. P

    Help me name my barred rock

    We thought we named our chickens but then most of them ended up "earning" names that were better suited to their personalities. One of our barred rock ladies is stuck with the only named that truly fits her: FATTY!
  10. P

    Help me name my barred rock

    ...that's MY name! Seems to also be a common(ish) name for dogs, but great for a chicken too
  11. P

    Sick female duck

    Yeah, they are sticking close together and "talking" to each other through the fence.
  12. P

    Sick female duck

    Thank you, I have separated her from the males and will keep her thus until I can decide what to do about the problem of over-mating. My poor little girl! Thanks again for your kind assistance.
  13. P

    Sick female duck

    I have three ducks; two males and one female. The males are healthy but about a month ago the female stopped eating, drinking, and was walking with her bill tucked down to her chest. I brought her in and gave her water with a medicinal dose of apple cider vinegar, and fed her unsweetened...
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