Recent content by Possum-Pie

  1. Possum-Pie

    Fussy (not broody) hen

    You DID hit it on the head! You Chicken Whisperer! I also have a Silver-laced Wayandotte who is the smallest of the flock, sometimes bullied a bit, and is mostly a loner. She sometimes "sings the blues" to herself as she looks for bugs, but not as loud as the Austrolorp.
  2. Possum-Pie

    Fussy (not broody) hen

    LOL, a 3 year old...Black Australorp. Boy, she is in rare form today, usually justs lasts a half hour or so, she's been at it for 3 hours today
  3. Possum-Pie

    Fussy (not broody) hen

    I have a hen who is always "fussy". The best that I can describe it is the sound a whiney toddler makes when he doesn't get his own way. "awwwww, awwww" It sounds like she is pouting. She isn't low in the pecking order, not broody, not injured or sick, and is laying just fine. She doesn't do it...
  4. Possum-Pie

    Broody hen will not leave the nest

    Sad to hear about the dropped egg...Some folks don't candle their eggs I did b/c a hen doesn't always kick a rotten egg out of the nest. While it's rare, eggs have been known to "pop" or "explode" when the gas inside builds up. This is a smelly mess to clean up and it happens if bacteria gets...
  5. Possum-Pie

    Broody hen will not leave the nest

    Lots of good info...remember after 21 days of this she WILL look a bit tattered. Weight loss isn't uncommon. Read up on egg candling, it is a REAL challenge for those of us who are new to it, I had a heck of a time trying to see inside the brown eggs!! My cellphone light wasn't quite bright...
  6. Possum-Pie

    Broody hen will not leave the nest

    There is no need to feel bad about having favorites, I think if we were all honest, we all have a few that we like the most. Keep an eye on the poop amount. You may not be able to see how much she eats/drinks, but she should be pooping each day. Sometimes it is runny (like someone else...
  7. Possum-Pie

    Broody hen will not leave the nest

    While these last few posts are "mostly true" People tend to forget that domestic chickens are NOT the same Red Jungle Fowl that lived in the wilds of Southeast Asia for millions of years, but they have been specifically bred to human needs. Whole-genome sequencing has shown that the chicken was...
  8. Possum-Pie

    Broody hen will not leave the nest

    If you are dedicated to this, you should mark the eggs (to know that no other hen is sneaking newer eggs in, and learn to candle the eggs. Sometimes in a darkened coop, a cellphone flashlight can shine through an egg. If you see movement or a large embryo, great. If at 1 week or so you see...
  9. Possum-Pie

    Broody hen will not leave the nest

    If you truly want chicks, you will have to endure a long period of difficult times. Chickens often lose feathers, weight, health, and sometimes their lives when broody. I had a broody Orpington who I allowed to sit the whole time, she would get off once a day, run around like a crazy hen, poop a...
  10. Possum-Pie

    Feather Pecking

    As a healthcare professional, I'm constantly telling horrified parents that just b/c your child has lice/scabies/etc. doesn't mean that they are not clean or you are a poor parent. Kids (and chickens) go into the real world where there are parasites. having a clean home/coop can't prevent 100%...
  11. Possum-Pie

    Feather Pecking

    I quickly glanced over the thread again, it's been a while since it was active. My Bard Rock is still around- I didn't give her away and she has lessened her bullying. The SLW is still shabby-looking but finally seems to be getting back some of her feathers. Have you considered parasites? Some...
  12. Possum-Pie

    Feather Pecking

    Mat10, I mean I'm getting rid of the Bard Rock. I won't allow one hen to bully another. I've tried separating her in a cage for a while, adding distractions to the run, but nothing worked. I've given her many chances to get tired of the bullying and she hasn't. Ridgerunner, I agree "mostly"...
  13. Possum-Pie

    Feather Pecking

    I've had almost the exact same problem for 6 months since we adopted a few new hens. All integrated into the original flock except a SLW who came to us small and shabby. No infestations noted, no diseases, but she is always on the outskirts of the flock. They mostly ignore her EXCEPT a Bard Rock...
  14. Possum-Pie

    Help with feed selection

    During the Pandemic I met with "naysayers" who refused inoculations against COVID b/c It wasn't 'natural" or "organic" They believed that herbs, faith, and other pseudoscience would protect them. Unfortunately, I stood at many a bedside as their pseudoscience failed and they died. I'm NOT...
  15. Possum-Pie

    Rehoming Rooster, do I replace him?

    Thanks for the clarification. Yeah, those who get pleasure from watching any animal fight should be locked in a cage about 5X5, fed dog food (or chicken food), and let out occasionally to fight each other to the death. I never felt like our aggressive rooster was being mean, he just didn't want...
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