Recent content by spaghettiduck

  1. spaghettiduck

    Light not passing through duck egg

    oh okay :( thank you for letting me know, i appreciate the help a lot
  2. spaghettiduck

    Light not passing through duck egg

    yes of course. the first picture is the egg i was posting about where light doesn't shine through like the others. they all look really different which is why I'm confused. edit: I feel like you are probably right, I have just been hopeful :/ I believe I saw veins in one of them early on but...
  3. spaghettiduck

    Light not passing through duck egg

    Hi! I figured I should start off with some context. I'm 16 years old and my neighbour has free roaming ducks, and sometimes they wander into our yard. One day, I found a nest with a ton of eggs in it. I didn't disturb it, because I figured if I touched it the mom wouldn't come back. We told the...
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