Recent content by wrathsfarm

  1. wrathsfarm

    Cold temp broody's?

    Beautiful country... I did over 20 years in the Gaylord area (snowbelt) before moving south. I miss the quietness and beauty but not the winters. 🙂
  2. wrathsfarm

    Cold temp broody's?

    I've got a gut feeling we're in for a harsh winter here if our lakes don't start cooling down pretty darn fast. You must be pretty far north, I'm guessing...U.P.?
  3. wrathsfarm

    Wrath's Marans

    And another first I noticed a few days ago but finally got a pic... Dbl yellow broke from her 7 a few days ago and has started laying. Betty with her 3 is my last of the Marans to still have hers but now she's sort of adopted the other 7.
  4. wrathsfarm

    Wrath's Marans

    The 2 little ones of Jett's may end up in that box. These 2 are from Black who I suspect is a Midnight Majesty. I'm seeing mossy in both of them and lots of leakage. I'm watching them closely as they feather out for weirdness. If I can confirm Midnights the pullet will go to mixed flock and...
  5. wrathsfarm

    Wrath's Marans

    That's funny... It's still in play but it sits on the floor for the broodys or babies. So the layers don't use it. 🙂
  6. wrathsfarm

    Wrath's Marans

    Jett has broke from her 2 last week and started laying, and she doesn't roost with them but does still visit them and hang with them on occasion. So this was a cool photo moment this morning. They are 7 weeks. Family affair while she lays.
  7. wrathsfarm

    Ended Official BYC Pets & Livestock Caption Contest 09-13-24 Pic by Squawkers

    Congrats @Gill-b. And to everyone, this was fun reading all the captions posted. 🙂
  8. wrathsfarm

    Miscellaneous Meeps - Hatching my Dreams

    I'm in on this sure bet also. 🤣
  9. wrathsfarm

    Straub’s search for colored eggs

    That's a very pretty egg and a beautiful color variety.
  10. wrathsfarm

    Wrath's Marans

    Thanks... ♥️
  11. wrathsfarm

    Wrath's Marans

    It's not the pairing I wanted to do which I don't even know that yet without selecting thru all the grow outs but it's more these 3 pullets eggs did darken up a tad so mainly want to keep that egg color in the flock and maybe, hopefully the progeny will be a little darker still. Basically I...
  12. wrathsfarm

    Wrath's Marans

    No it's not over yet for sure. Actually told the wife a week or so back I'm over all these hatches and chicks, it's alot of work. And now here we are...🤣
  13. wrathsfarm

    Wrath's Marans

    Exactly... My thought process here is I need more of Joannies progeny only having the one pullet but she hasn't started up laying yet from her molt. By hatching from Jessi gives me grandbabies (F2) and hopefully darker eggs yet. Harmony is my wild card because her eggs are a little older than 2...
  14. wrathsfarm

    Wrath's Marans

    Incubatored up !!! 👍 I've had 10 broodys so far this year, all 9 BCM hens and 1 in the mixed flock.
  15. wrathsfarm

    Wrath's Marans

    In my own twisted retaliation to "that look". I've done this... 3 sets of eggs from Jessi, Gloria and Harmony. 13 total. Harmony's are over 2 weeks old but I'll throw some hope that maybe 1 will hatch. I'll have to watch these little ones grow out as these are all pullets eggs, But here we...
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