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  • Users: CoriM
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  1. C

    Soft egg binding

    So I did a deslorelin implant for my two year old duck who laid non-stop all winter. Her eggs were always fragile and most days crushed in the nest. She also never had molted and her feathers were in terrible condition. She eventually started laying a softshelled egg in the early evenings almost...
  2. C

    Breeding ducks

    A picture would help, but you should be able to tell by the voice, quack or raspy whisper. How old are they? @Miss Lydia can say how much nutritional/brewers yeast to sprinkle on their food. Since they are heavy-weight birds also regularly check the bottom of their feet to make sure they...
  3. C

    Planning our duck pond

    I know my pekins loved standing on the shelf to preen themselves when in my pond - I have a preformed pond liner. I don't have pekins anymore, and the other breeds I haven't don't use it as often, but the bigger birds seem to like it. I don't think it needs to be super deep - just enough for...
  4. C

    Why are my Pekins not friendly?

    I also find that my ducks personalities go up and down a bit, with some of them becoming more or less friendly, maybe it's hormones?
  5. C

    How to bring ducks back in from fenced pasture?

    One other thought, not sure where you live but I'm in the Pacific NW and we have tons of slugs. I notice that they are only out very early in the morning before the sun comes up for the most part, unless it's a very rainy day. When ducks eat slugs their mouths get all gummed up. They will need a...
  6. C

    How to bring ducks back in from fenced pasture?

    I think the dog crate sounds scary for ducks - they would be sliding around while you carried them. Get them acclimated to first coming to you for treats or food - I put meal worms in a tupperware cereal type container and when my ducks see me with that container they come running! Once they...
  7. C

    Why are my Pekins not friendly?

    Just keep doing what you're doing and offer treats frequently so they see you as the giver of all good things. They're not like dogs, typically ducks don't love being touched or picked up. Of my ten, I have two who will stand still for petting, a couple who will tolerate it, but the rest jump...
  8. C

    How to bring ducks back in from fenced pasture?

    Food and treats are good motivators to get them back inside.
  9. C

    this kind of niacin?

    For emergency purposes - splay leg, wobbly legs, etc. - I and many on this site use liquid vitamin B complex. It has worked well for me - for a duck 1 ml a day.
  10. C

    Peckin duck Leg Issue

    Okay, best of luck to you and your girl. I kept the hobbles on and vitamins going until she was fully strong, and then a little beyond with the vitamin. After that you can add brewers or nutritional yeast to their food to get added niacin. Let us know how it goes!
  11. C

    Peckin duck Leg Issue

    If at all possible I would have a vet look at her just to see what's going on - maybe it's out of joint or something. I can tell you how to hobble it but if there's a break or injury you don't want her walking on it. Had she been getting better over the course of the last two weeks with the...
  12. C

    Ideas for a muddy duck pen

    What I have done which works for me and I see you have lots of grass so could do something similar, is built a moveable tractor that I move around the grass so they always have a fresh clean area. It's not completely predator proof, so I only have them in there when I'm around to supervise...
  13. C

    Loner duck?

    Just keep an eye on her. I have one duck who was pretty independent and always just seemed to be doing her own thing. Nothing was wrong with her, it's just her personality!
  14. C

    Breeding ducks

    Let us know what you have - definitely a male and female? Males have a tail curl and a whispery, raspy voice and females have no tail curl and a quack. Females practice mating with each other all the time. If you have one of each you will have to keep a close eye to make sure your female is not...
  15. C

    adult pekin female with splayed legs and difficulty walking -- ideas, advice?

    You've given her a wonderful life and I'm sure she feels your love! It's so hard, but you're doing right by her. I'm sorry!
  16. C

    Indian Runner still has not had full molt

    Just an update....after the implant my duck stopped laying right away. It's been about a month and she still hasn't laid. She started a hard molt a few weeks ago and her new feathers are growing in nicely. I'm really glad that we tried it.
  17. C

    Duck Bleeding From Mouth & Butt

    I'm so sorry, sounds pretty dire. Don't let her suffer!
  18. C

    adult pekin female with splayed legs and difficulty walking -- ideas, advice?

    I'm sorry it's not getting better. I'm glad you're able to make things as good as possible for her. You just don't want her suffering 💔. I can tell you love her!
  19. C

    Did I layer my duck run ok?

    He did good!
  20. C

    Did I layer my duck run ok?

    Very nice!
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