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  1. chixruleboysdrool

    Is my chicken broody? how can I tell?

    Just this morning my RIR hen escaped from the pen and burrowed a little hole in a bunch of dead vines. She started picking pieces off of the small vines and putting them around her in a nest shape. Is she broody? What do I do?
  2. chixruleboysdrool

    What dog should I get?

    I have two chickens and 1 cat. I am at school from 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM. But my dad gets home at about 2:00 PM. I am home on weekends. I don't really need a guard dog or something that will chase my other pets around. It needs to be able to handle a long time alone and not try to run away. I...
  3. chixruleboysdrool

    how do I convince my parents to let me get another chicken

    I have asked my parents if I could get one more chicken. My mom said she was ok with it if my dad was ok with it. That made me happy, but there is only one problem. My dad is not ok with it. He said " we have enough animals! no more." We do have two chickens, a cat, and four fish. What should I...
  4. chixruleboysdrool

    what are my hens doing?

    My two hens have started to dig little holes in my yard. Then they sit in them and sleep when they have perfectly good nesting boxes in thier coop. Does anyone know why they are doing this?
  5. chixruleboysdrool

    is my hen broody?

    I have two hens, two nesting boxes, and two wooden nesting eggs. There is one egg in each nesting box. One of my hens has started taking both eggs into her nesting box. She ran over to the egg when I picked it up and started pecking the wooden egg. Is she starting to get broody?
  6. chixruleboysdrool

    Calling all egg recipes!

    My hens have just started laying and I want to know some egg recipes. Calling all egg recipes!!!!!!!
  7. chixruleboysdrool

    My hen didn't lay an egg today

    Yesterday My hen layed her first egg. today, nothing. I mean, it is her first time laying. Is that normal???
  8. chixruleboysdrool

    What breeds do Rhode Island Reds get along with?

    I'm thinking of adding another hen to my two - chicken flock of Rhode Island Reds. What breeds do they get along with?
  9. chixruleboysdrool

    funniest chicken picture contest!!!!!!!

    Post your funniest chicken pictures! after there are 30 posts I will announce the winner. Here are the rules: no bad comments on pictures please up to two posts per person please Have fun!!
  10. chixruleboysdrool

    best breeds

    I have two Rhode Island Reds and I'm thinking of getting another chicken. What would be the best breed for me? I live in Portland Maine, so its cold here. I need a breed that will get along with my Rhode Island Reds, too.
  11. chixruleboysdrool

    Whats wrong with my hen?

    The hen that is usually the loudest, isn't going "Bawk bawk bawk" anymore, she's just wheezing, or maybe she's trying to cluck? Thats what it sounds like, please help!!!
  12. chixruleboysdrool

    Criminal Chickens?

    I was at school and my dad was at home while the chickens were in the yard. My dad was in the house. So the chickens flew over the fence and were walking up and down the sidewalk.(we live in the city) and the neighbors called 911! The chickens didn't even do anything wrong!
  13. chixruleboysdrool


    What are the different kinds of combs? What combs do Rhode Island Reds have?
  14. chixruleboysdrool

    chicken TREAT recipe

    I was in my kitchen experimenting and I came up with a new chicken treat. Scrambled eggs. (the chicken version) Here's the recipe: Crack 1 egg in a bowl Instead of adding milk, add chicken feed Stir Cook like scrambled eggs Hope your chickies like it, mine basically...
  15. chixruleboysdrool

    my first chickens!!!!! YAY!!!

    I just got two Rhode Island Reds 30 minutes ago! I don't really have a good feeder and waterer, so I put a bowl of food in the coop and a chick-waterer. I'm getting more supplies tomorrow. Does anyone know what kind of treats they'll like?
  16. chixruleboysdrool

    Red Silkies

    Are Red Silkies uncommon? I ordered assorted eggs and some are red silkies.
  17. chixruleboysdrool

    Just candled my eggs

    I just candled my eggs and I could see an air sack at the fat end of the egg. The middle of the air sack had a little dot in it. I am at day 5 of incubation. Is that what it's supposed to look like?
  18. chixruleboysdrool

    is my incubator to humid?

    My incubator is 68 percent humidity. is that to humid? If it is, how do I make it go down?
  19. chixruleboysdrool

    Temperature spike in my incubator

    my incubator temp went up to 105 for about 5 minutes. Do you think anything happened to the eggs in those 5 minutes?
  20. chixruleboysdrool

    Supplies for baby chicks

    I put my eggs in the incubator today but I want to be ready for when they hatch. Does anyone know what they'll need?
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