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  • Users: Tahai
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  1. Tahai

    anyone working on a white-egg laying Easter Egger? (or other white-layer cross)

    Hi All - I have been searching and searching for a Chicken breed or cross that lays a good amount of white eggs and is suited for cold weather and coop raising that is NOT a leghorn. From all the threads I've read, it seems that many others are looking for the same thing. I don't understand...
  2. Tahai

    Burlap as wind break on coop vents?

    Hi All, I am expecting negative wind chill all next week so am looking into my wind-breaking options for my coop or run. I have excellent ventilation LOL. However, I suspect it is too much open exposure for the arctic wind blast that is coming. I'm debating solutions that will be: 1...
  3. Tahai

    Composting chicken litter with Mites is OK - Cooperative Extension

    Hi All, I had a question about composting chicken litter after a mite infestation. I noticed in looking though our posts here that several others had that question, and no one seemed to have a definitive answer. I work for Extension in Pennsylvania, so I turned to the Entomology team for advice...
  4. Tahai

    Bonus chick ID help, please :)

    This bonus chick came with my Townline order, and I can't figure out what she is. She was 3 weeks, 1 day in these pics. My order contained Black Australorps, Olive Eggers, Easter Eggers, and GL Wyandottes. She looks nothing like the 2 australorps in shape and head patterning. She also...
  5. Tahai

    swollen rim around chicken eye on one side only - thoughts?

    This showed up sometime in the past 36 hours. I was in a rush yesterday, so didn't look at anyone closely, but it wasn't there when I put them to bed on the 6th, and it was there this morning, the 8th. Any insight is appreciated.
  6. Tahai

    hens ate foam insulation: how long till the eggs are safe?

    Hi All. My hens decided, out of the blue, that the foam core insulation roof on their outside landing pad was tasty. Over the course of 2 days, they put a serious dent in it. Now the eggs smell like foam core and taste chemically. How long do you think it will be before the eggs are safe...
  7. Tahai

    Winter pen open covering that doesn't collapse under snow?

    Hi Northern Flocksters! I have a large, oddly shaped pen for my girls (16x23, sort of) which I currently have covered with bird netting. Yesterday I was looking at my garden, thinking about the harvest, wondering how long I'll get greens in my cold-frame this year, and how much snow we'll...
  8. Tahai

    First Eggs of the Season! Yay !!!!

    I'm in North-central PA with 1 year old Cayugas and Welsh Harlequins. First eggs this morning from my Cayugas. WH haven't started laying yet, but I expect them any day now
  9. Tahai

    A sad end to my duck journey - food allergies

    Hi All. Yep, you read it right. I'm intolerant to duck eggs. How incredibly frustrating it is to have put all that time, money, and energy into beginning my flock, only to find, after eating a few eggs, that I don't do well with them. I've tried cooking them several different ways, took a 2...
  10. Tahai

    Welsh Harlequin Genetics

    Hi Duck Owners! I know I've read (recently) some posts about silver phase / gold phase genetics, but I think they are buried in amongst the big WH thread, and I can't find them at this time. I'm wondering about the way gold phase is passed on. I believe I read it was via the drake? I don't...
  11. Tahai

    Pennsylvania Updated Laws for Importing Poultry and hatching eggs to the state (received in Extensio

    Animal Health Emergency Management and Information Network Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Bureau of Animal Health and Diagnostic Services Craig Shultz, DVM, Director [email protected] Telephone No: 717-772-2852 Fax No: 717-787-1868...
  12. Tahai

    Age to pasture ducks unsupervised?

    Hello, duck lovers who use pastures not pens. At what age do you feel comfortable allowing your ducks outside in pasture while you are at work? My WH and Cayugas are 5.5 wks old right now, and living in the duck house. They are currently pastured in the evenings for a few hours when I get...
  13. Tahai

    What age can I start feeding ducklings peas?

    Hi All, I did a quick search but couldn't find an answer to this question. At what age do you all start feeding peas? Thanks, Tahai
  14. Tahai

    Tahai's Duck Journey!

    Hi All, I don't want to create a new thread every time I take pictures of my ducks, so I'm just going to create a thread dedicated to my ducks. I got my shipment from Holderread's this morning! Better than Christmas . They were running short on Cayugas, so they replaced one with a TSQ...
  15. Tahai

    Water porch - Ducks

    Hi, Duck Lovers! I've read that several of you have water porches for your ducks...I'd love to see some pics, please. I'm working on the design for mine and need inspiration. (I apologize if this thread already exists. I didn't feel like digging through a few hundred posts just to make...
  16. Tahai

    Male Duck anatomy question - PG 13

    Hi everyone. I just read an article discussing the mechanics of drake sexual anatomy. Specifically, they were talking about how the drake's penis withers off at the end of each breeding season, and regrows in the spring. Is this true?! Is it true only for wild drakes, or for domestic drakes...
  17. Tahai

    Blue Seal Feed and general feeding questions for Ducks

    Hello, Blue Seal Feed users! Tons of noob questions coming at you. After speaking with various feed stores in the area, I've decided to use the Blue Seal program. I'll start with Chick n Game starter, go to Grower-cal pellets, then on to Layer pellets...
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