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  • Users: 77horses
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  1. 77horses

    MAINE: 1 Silkie bantam rooster (free)

    I’m looking to rehome one of our silkie roosters. He has gorgeous black/irridescent feathers and was hatched in July 2019, so he’s about 4 1/2 years old. We have a small flock and there’s just not enough hens between the two of them. He would do very well with his own flock of girls. We’re...
  2. 77horses

    -20 degrees F here tonight, worried about my flock…

    I’m in northern New England so we’re used to the cold but tonight is pretty rough. It’s getting down to -20 degrees F tonight and the weather app says it currently feels like -41 degrees with the wind chill. We have a small flock in a well-built wooden coop with a heat lamp on all winter, but...
  3. 77horses

    Lack of appetite, only eating cracked corn, weight loss

    Hi all, Something’s going on with my small mixed flock, health-wise, that I can’t seem to pinpoint. If anyone could offer any suggestions, I’d appreciate it! • I have two elderly Easter egged hens (10+ years old), a 3-4 year old copper marans hen, and two adult silkie mix roosters. They all...
  4. 77horses

    Getting worse…treatment for impacted crop, lethargy

    Hi all, I’ve searched the forums and for the life of me cannot find a solid treatment for impacted crop that doesn’t involve surgery. Maybe that’s because there’s not one, who knows. But there has to be an alternative. One of my hens have impacted crop. I brought her to the vet yesterday, had...
  5. 77horses

    Anemic hen, currently treating for lice

    Hi all, I have a 2 y/o silkie hen who began appearing lethargic a couple weeks ago, stopped laying, lost weight, etc. all the classic signs of anemia. After checking her over I saw a couple adult lice crawling on her (no eggs, not a huge infestation). So I’m assuming she has anemia due to lice...
  6. 77horses

    Hen keeps laying broken/soft-shelled eggs?

    We recently adopted a new hen. She was a rescue, so we have no idea how old she is or her history. Based on her condition/behavior, my best guess is she’s anywhere between 1 1/2 and 4 years old. We did make sure to quarantine her before adding her into the flock. So far she has been very...
  7. 77horses

    Flock still not accepting new hen after 3wks

    Hi all, Previously I had a flock of 3 hens (2 older mixed ameraucanas, one younger silkie) and 2 small silkie roosters. I adopted a new hen and quarantined her from the rest of the flock when I initially brought her home. 3 weeks ago she was first introduced to the rest of the flock while they...
  8. 77horses

    Black copper maran or australorp mix?

    Hey y’all, I recently adopted this hen and have no idea what her story is. She was abandoned/lost so I have no clue how old she is or what breed. She looks like either a black australorp mix (Cochin mix maybe because of the feathered feet?) or a black copper maran. Note that she doesn’t have...
  9. 77horses

    Roosters won’t stop fighting

    Hi all, I have two silkie roosters who, as of late, cannot stop fighting. I hatched out three silkie eggs two summers ago- two ended up being roosters, one a hen. They were raised together and haven’t had any major problems the last two years other than the occasional squabble. There has always...
  10. 77horses

    Sick hen after eating dead mouse...

    Hi all, A few days ago while my flock was free ranging, one of my older (elderly, really) hens found a dead, mostly decomposed mouse nearby the coop. :sick I tried to get it away from her but as soon as she got it she took off running and went under a shed where I couldn’t get to her. She ate...
  11. 77horses

    What animal is tunneling under our coop? Photos

    Hi folks, I have a coop sitting on top of a cement slab. It has an attached, enclosed run (made with mesh wire, not chicken wire). Along the edges of the run, the mesh wire runs underground about a foot to prevent burrowing animals, like weasels, from digging under. Yesterday morning I went...
  12. 77horses

    Are these red mites in my coop? (Photos)

    I recently noticed that inside my coop (on the wooden roosts, in the nest boxes, etc. are these tiny, oval bugs crawling about (they’re pretty fast). They’re small but visible to the naked eye. I keep my coop quite clean (use fresh pine shavings for bedding, changed regularly) so I’m not sure...
  13. 77horses

    Are broad-winged hawks a real threat? (Hint: Yes!)

    For folks wondering if broad-wing hawks are a legitimate threat to full-grown chickens, just wanted to put in my two-cents: Yes, they are. I’ve seen debates about whether or not they’re even big enough to go after a chicken (they are, after all, smaller than a cooper, red tail, etc.) and I’ve...
  14. 77horses

    Sick budgie- dirty vent + respiratory issues?

    Hi BYC friends, I’m hoping some of you have/had parakeets and would be able to help. I have a sick, old, female parakeet. By old I mean she’s about 6 years old or more (guessing). She’s old enough that her eyes have that milky look to them (like what happens when a dog gets older). So I know her...
  15. 77horses

    Broadwinged Hawks- threat?

    It’s that time of year again in New England when the broadwinged hawks have returned from their migration. We have a pair that returns every year and nests in the woods right behind our house (and, right behind our chicken coop). I’ve heard some people say smaller hawks like broadwings aren’t a...
  16. 77horses

    Egg consumption after treating with Tylosin tartrate (Tylan)

    Hi everyone, A couple of my hens were showing signs of a respiratory infection in January so I treated the whole flock (6) with Tylosin tartrate (5 grams per gallon of drinking water for 7 days). Some might know this as the brand name Tylan. The last day of treatment was February 29th, so it has...
  17. 77horses

    Last chance to visit my estranged childhood home after father’s passing...conflicted

    Hi all, A little over a year ago my father passed away due to health complications. We’d been estranged for several years because he had borderline personality disorder and was verbally/sometimes physically abusive to my siblings, mom and I growing up. When my mom left him, I broke off contact...
  18. 77horses

    Respiratory infection? Or something else? Getting!

    Hey everyone, I have an older Easter egger hen (she’s at least 5 years old, we adopted her from a neglectful home about a year ago) who started showing some “cold symptoms” about a week and a half ago- sneezing, wheezing, throat/nasal visible signs of mucus in the eyes, nose or...
  19. 77horses

    Successful hatch! Shipped eggs, detached/dislodged air cells

    I wanted to make this post for those dealing with shipped hatching eggs, especially with the issue of dislodged or detached air cells. Mostly to share what I did which (evidently) worked, with hopes that it helps anyone who’s in the same situation as I was. At the beginning of June, I ordered...
  20. 77horses

    Pale comb on older (broody) hen

    *ETA: I read somewhere that paleness in broody hens is totally normal. Can anyone confirm this? Hi fellow BYCers, I have an older hen (around 6 years old, maybe more) who was adopted from a neglectful situation about 7 months ago. When I took her in, I dusted for lice, added nutridrench to her...
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