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  1. pinksapphire

    New chicks wondering about breed mix

    Had some chicks hatch today and wondering about sexing cream legbar crosses First two hatched out of my cream legbar hens eggs so father must be my French copper Marans rooster can they be sexed? Or does the father have to be the cream to sex at this age? Second is from my Bel
  2. pinksapphire

    Incubation questions

    I have 14 hen eggs in a Brinsea maxi day 9 and I am looking some guidance regarding humidity and the eggs. Humidity I am following the incubator guide filling half the water tank, I got a cheap hydrometer and have put it in and it is showing 60-70% I have reduced the water a bit since to be...
  3. pinksapphire

    Advice for moving ducklings out of the house

    I have three 11 day old runner ducklings that I am brooding in a box in the house and feel they have outgrown there brooder and need more space to move and explore plus they are messing up their brooder so fast. I have a glass house that I would like to move them out to so they will be sheltered...
  4. pinksapphire

    Duckling low hatch rate with dead ducklings

    I set 15 runner duck eggs in my bransia maxi eco, water was kept topped up and they were tuned three times a day. Two eggs were infertile Five eggs stopped developing around half way through Four baby ducklings successfully hatched on day 28-29 Today day 31 I opened the remaining four eggs to...
  5. pinksapphire

    Hatching ducklings

    I am hatching runner ducks in an incubator, one hatched day 28 and three day 29, it is now the end of day 30 and there is no sign of the other six hatching, i candled on day 24 and they were definitely all developing and movement in most, how many more days should I wait to see if they hatch and...
  6. pinksapphire

    What gender are these two?

    Seven months old French copper marran x cream legbar. Any idea if they are hens or rooster? Thanks in advance
  7. pinksapphire

    Is it safe to feed gosling cut grass?

    I have a two month old gosling with three runner ducklings, they are living in a pen on grass but I need to move them to a bigger area, it is full of weeds, nettles, dock, plantain ect but very little grass, I can cut grass daily with the lawnmower is this safe to feed?
  8. pinksapphire

    Possible sick duckling

    I have three five week old runner ducklings in with a six week old gosling and for the past couple of days one of the ducklings is sitting off by itself, it seems a bit lethargic and cold. It is eating and drinking. I am going to bring it in and get the heater back out but. Any ideas of what...
  9. pinksapphire

    Gosling can’t walk

    My goose hatched five eggs yesterday and I found one on its back in the pen today, it seems to have an issue with one of its legs. It is pushing out to the back even when laying down. I have had to take it inside as I am afraid it will get trampled Any idea what the problem is and how to fix?
  10. pinksapphire

    Help with sick rooster

    Yesterday one of my roosters suddenly became lethargic and his eyes, wattle and comb are swollen and yellowish. He does not seem to be eating or drinking and not moving much He seems very sick any ideas what it might be?
  11. pinksapphire

    Cockerel with pale face and comb

    I hatched three French copper Maran roosters last year and one of them has a much paler face and comb, photo below. Is this normal or some sort of disease/deficiency?
  12. pinksapphire

    Help is this pipping chick membrane dried out?

    First time hatching chicken eggs in an incubator and the last two eggs are pipping but worried that one of them might have a dried out membrane? First photo is of the one I am worried about and the second photo is of the one that looks normal. I have opened the incubator twice to take out chicks.
  13. pinksapphire

    Too many roosters

    I have too many roosters (7) they are starting to fight and hassle the hens. I have tried to find homes for them but the only people that wanted to take them would have used them in cock fighting ( a popular activity in my area) I am now thinking of moving six of the roosters to a different...
  14. pinksapphire

    Using fresh wood chip in a chicken run

    I just got a load of fresh wood chips from a local tree surgeon, (I think it is mostly Leyland cypress) and wanted to put some in my chicken run, is there any reason not to use wood chips around chickens, ducks or geese? They are only locked in the run over night, it is a large covered run and...
  15. pinksapphire

    Quail not laying

    I have 21 coturnix quail which I hatched eight months ago and have as of yet got no eggs from them, any idea what the problem might be and how I can get them to lay? They have a large 65m2 outdoor run with a sheltered glass house they get locked into at night. There are probably about 50% male...
  16. pinksapphire

    Chicken with swollen eye

    One of my hens developed a swollen eye yesterday, would anyone know what the cause might be? And what treatment to try? One swollen eye No nasal discharge Acting totally normal otherwise I cleaned the eye and there was some blood inside
  17. pinksapphire

    starting with quail a few questions

    I have a lone coturnix quail that hatched seven weeks ago and 27 that I hatched two days ago. I have been keeping the seven week old quail in the house at night and putting it out into my glasshouse during the day but would now like to move it out to the glass house permanently but am worried...
  18. pinksapphire

    incubator temperature too low

    I borrowed an incubator and set chicken eggs nine days ago and quail eggs eight days ago, added water and set the temp to 37.8 degrees celsius (100F) but only today when I took the eggs out to candle realised that the eggs were not warm so using another thermometer realised that the temperature...
  19. pinksapphire

    Hen with swollen cheeks/face

    One of my hens have developed lumps on either side of her face. I first noticed it a few days ago, she is totally fine other than this and it does not effect her eyes. Does anyone have any idea what the problem is. Photo attached
  20. pinksapphire

    Using an automatic door opener with geese and ducks

    I have chickens, ducks and geese and they are all housed together in an enclosed run at night. I would really like to get an automatic door opener but am not sure if the geese and ducks would go into the run by themselves at night. Every night when I go out to put them away the ducks and geese...
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