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  • Users: Jfab
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  1. J

    Golden comet is lethargic. Will drink but not eat. Weird neck movements.

    Everything but neck movements started yesterday afternoon. No fluid build up in ab. I did catch her eat a baby frog Saturday. And before I could stop her she ate a lizard Friday. Could this cause the problem? Please help.
  2. J

    Golden comet not eating, drooling, and lethargic

    I have a 4 year old golden comet hen that is normally very active and friendly. She runs to me and follows me around in the yard and keeps me company while doing my yardwork. During the past week after a couple of hours outside she's been wanting to go in her pen for awhile. I later let her out...
  3. J

    Does anyone know the dosage for amoxicillin?

    I was told to put amoxicillin in my girls water to treat an infection. but no one told me how much. I have 500 mg capsules. I've been googling but everything I find is for liquid not capsules. Could someone please help me?
  4. J

    Can someone tell me what this is?

    My chicken passed these this morning and I have no clue what they are.
  5. J

    Chicken can't stand

    I have 3 year old comet hen. She eats and drinks but has been losing her balance and laying around a lot. She has also developed diarrhea. She had a pale comb so the vet said to give her geritol. The comb has regained it's color. He told me to give her a worm treatment which I did. Yesterday...
  6. J

    3 year old hen has pale drooping comb and low energy

    I have a 3 year old red comet hen. She has a good appetite and is drinking and walking around but... her comb is pale and she has very little energy. She lays down a lot. This just started and I'm worried. Two months ago her sister became ill and after two weeks of medicine and special diet she...
  7. J

    lethargic chicken with droopy comb, not eating, or drinking, green slime vomit

    I have a 3 year old red comet hen. She hasn't laid eggs in months. recently developed runny diarrhea with horrible smell. She was on bird biotic for 10 days as well as vet rx. She was getting better and then relapsed. She wouldn't eat or drink yesterday. I gave her vet rx and nutri drench with a...
  8. J

    Petunia is sick and needs help!

    She is a three year old red comet. Two weeks ago she started acting sickly. Her feathers puffed up until she looked like a ball and she moved around very little. She also had poop all over her behind that had the worst smell I've ever smelled in my life. When she eats if I move her food she...
  9. J

    My hen has runny poop and is lethargic.

    Petunia has had a poop problem for over a week now. It's all over her behind and I tried to clean her up a few days ago and the smell is so bad it makes me gag. I thought it might be the new food I was told to buy so I bought a bag of the original food to see if that would help. Today she is...
  10. J

    snake problem

    I have three red comets and used to get three eggs every day. It didn't matter if it snowed or if there was a hurricane. But a few months ago I started getting only two. About a month ago I found a chicken snake in my girls house and I killed it. I've been told snakes will eat the eggs and if...
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