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  1. Kayla's Lunch

    New coyote den in neighborhood

    A few weeks ago I discovered a coyote den with pups. I live in a suburban neighborhood and have never seen coyotes before. It seems the people who live there don't know of don't care that they have coyotes living in their yard. I was told that this coyote family will leave by mid-May. Does...
  2. Kayla's Lunch

    Shade sail as wind break

    I bought a shade sail from Costco a few years ago. Can I use that to prevent wind blowing on the chickens? Or will it allow wind to still ruffle their feathers at night? This crazy weather is not something I've dealt with before. Thanks for any help.
  3. Kayla's Lunch

    Are these pullets?

    I got some chicks from Hoover's Hatchery through Tractor Supply. They are Americana. I think that is what they were called. Basically, they are Easter Eggers that are supposed to have the puffy cheeks. Adelaide is a deep rusty color and Katie is a fairly plain brown. They are nine weeks old as...
  4. Kayla's Lunch

    Comb injury

    This morning, looking into the coop, I noticed one of my chickens was bloody around her head and her shoulders. It looked terrible and I couldn't imagine what had attacked her, but I think the only injury was to her comb. Could this be from frostbite? The problem I have is that it keeps...
  5. Kayla's Lunch

    Safe covering for run?

    I have a flock of 11 adults and until yesterday 10 eight week old littles. I live in suburban setting in Maryland on about 1/3 acre lot. We have a 12x12 completely enclosed, predator-proof coop/run up against our house. When we got the new chicks, we added an uncovered run with 4ft welded wire...
  6. Kayla's Lunch

    Welded wire and chicks

    I have 10 chicks that are 3 weeks old. I have been reading about integrating them with the rest of my flock. They have been in the coop for the past 2 weeks. The see the big chickens and the big chickens see them. I was wondering when do you let the little chicks out in the run or free range...
  7. Kayla's Lunch


    I ordered chicks from Tractor Supply/Hoovers Hatchery. They shipped on Wednesday and arrived on Friday. They are supposed to be a mix of Sapphire Gems, Sapphire Splashes, and Sapphire Olive Eggers. I have no idea who is which breed. Two seem to have some light color on their heads and I am...
  8. Kayla's Lunch

    Can I wash a newborn chick?

    I ordered 10 chicks that came today. They hatched on Wednesday. One of the chicks fell into the fermented feed I had in with them and keeps scratching at herself where the feed is on her. She seems to have given herself a scratch. The other chicks seem to be pecking at her too much. Can I give...
  9. Kayla's Lunch

    Hen getting bullied

    I have 12 chickens in a 12x12 run and 4x12 coop. They free range for 4-7 hours everyday. A month or so ago, one of our two Barred Rocks died. We don't know why. Right before that, the other Barred Rock started to really bully one of the other chickens. The Barred Rocks were always a little on...
  10. Kayla's Lunch

    Flystrike - how long to recover? Photos included!

    Hi everyone! I discovered one of my chickens, Bella, had flystrike below her vent on Thursday when it was time to put them in the coop for the night. She has been inside since then. I have been soaking 1-2 times/day. I use the kitchen sprayer to spray the area to get the maggots out. I spray...
  11. Kayla's Lunch

    Lentils grown as fodder

    I was wondering about the nutrition of growing lentils as fodder. I have a lot of problems growing wheat and barley, but no problems with lentils. Does anyone know if they are as nutritious as wheat and barley? I want to give my flock a green treat, but would like it to be a highly nutritious...
  12. Kayla's Lunch

    Injured wing

    Hi! My chicken Mae has been having a problem with her wing for the past few days. It doesn't hang down and there isn't an injury that I can see, but she doesn't seem to be using it correctly. She extends her wing, but not as often as her other wing. She isn't roosting like she normally does...
  13. Kayla's Lunch

    Cover crop as grass replacement?

    We have always had trouble keeping grass growing in our clay soil in our yard. Having dogs hasn't helped and getting chickens definitely wasn't a help. I'm not much of a gardener and don't know if there is a cover crop that I can use instead of trying to plant grass again. I saw this variety and...
  14. Kayla's Lunch

    Canned black beans

    I wanted to give my girls some treats since they are molting. Can I feed black beans straight from the can. I read something that said the beans are only partially cooked. Is that true? I thought anything canned was thoroughly cooked. Thanks1
  15. Kayla's Lunch

    Rice Protien

    I just noticed that New Country Organics sells rice protein (51% protein.) Is this a good source of protein for chickens? Five out of my flock of 11 hens and 3 pullets are starting to molt. I was wondering if this would be a good and simple way to give them some extra protein. I don't feed soy...
  16. Kayla's Lunch

    Feeding bones

    Hi everyone. I have a hen that is a little over a year old. She recently has been having some troubles with laying eggs that have thin shells/no shells. They have oyster shell available in the coop and run. They free range about 2-5 hours a day. I feed them New Country Organics grower and I...
  17. Kayla's Lunch

    Egg bound or ???

    My 14 month old Delaware Mae was not acting well this morning. I believe she laid an egg yesterday. She went into the nest box this morning and had laid clear jelly like stuff. There was very thin egg shell hanging off her butt but nothing yellow like a yolk. I rinsed her butt, fed her 400mg...
  18. Kayla's Lunch

    Alfalfa cubes - must rehydrate???

    Alfalfa cubes have been talked about before. But, it seems everyone says to rehydrate them. Is that because the cubes are too hard or because the alfalfa is too dry. The cubes I have can be broken apart and my chickens love it dry, not so much when it's wet. Also, how much is okay for 11 adult...
  19. Kayla's Lunch

    Vicks Vapor Rub

    I have a broody hen who has stopped mothering her chicks. She and the chicks have been in with the flock for a few weeks. The chicks are about 6 weeks old. She really wants nothing to do with them and has pecked one so much that it died. Can I put Vicks on the other 3 chicks to keep her away...
  20. Kayla's Lunch

    Mean hen pecking chick

    I had a hen go broody, gave her 4 chicks, she raised them for awhile, now all of a sudden seems to hate them. They are about 6 weeks old. One chick has died from its wounds being pecked. I am thinking of putting the hen in a crate in the run and only letting her out when they free range. Would...
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