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  1. jvls1942

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    I like watching antiques road show. let us know when your episode will be aired. I want to watch you become instantly wealthy. lol
  2. jvls1942

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    Yesterday I made two raised beds. Now I have three of them. I will plant tomatoes in all of them. It takes a while to put one together, but they will last for years. Today we are going to Plainfield. Meeting my sister at the Pioneer Restaurant. Will give her the slats for her park bench.
  3. jvls1942

    Helpful hints for building coops

    You know you can eat potatoes, right ? today I made two raised beds. Now I have three of them I will plant tomatoes in all of them. It takes a while to make one, but they last for years. Any goat kids yet ?
  4. jvls1942

    Gardening for Old Folks (Adaptative)

    rain almost every day. today I started getting planters ready for tomatoes. It was nice and sunny. wouldn't you know it ? the sun was shining brightly and it started to RAIN ..
  5. jvls1942

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    don't inflict human emotions upon your chickens. they don't know or care if one goes missing.
  6. jvls1942

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    it was raining earlier, nice and sunny now. We worked in the shop some more. Annie got almost the whole workbench cleared off. tossed a lot of useless items. found boxes and boxes of screws. also lots of screw driver tips .. I got most of the pieces cut for the shelves in the small lean to...
  7. jvls1942

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    Annie and I were both in the shop today. She was cleaning and straightening out things. Finding things and asking me what the heck is this ? I was making messes. I repaired one of the parts of the glue up table that I split with a screw. got that in a clamp with dowels and glue. then Annie...
  8. jvls1942

    Helpful hints for building coops

    those kids are going to be born with
  9. jvls1942

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    I have an eye appt every six months. Glaucoma, they like to keep a watch on it. The new Dr was more sociable this time. Last time she was still new and probably not at ease, yet, Annie has picked up a part time job. She will be staying over night with an 81 yr old lady. she could stay...
  10. jvls1942

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    I didn't feel like working yesterday. but I went out to the shop anyway,. as long as I was out there, I put the guard back onto the miter saw. as long as the guard was on, I set up stop for the lengths of the slats. as long as the length was set, I might as well saw all the slats. I had only...
  11. jvls1942

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    Sorry about the no haying, Lisa. I have a work truck parked on the side of the yard We decided to have it picked up by the auto wrecker. Time really flies.. the last time I had it licensed was 2006 . There are a few things stored in it. some scaffold, an outboard motor, a radial arm saw, some...
  12. jvls1942

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    those kittens sound like a hoot. we are dry here for a couple of days. I hope Lisa is making hay. this weekend is our eleventh annual get together for four couples who raise chickens. we rent a church campground with camper hookups and a dining hall and bunk beds for those who...
  13. jvls1942

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    worked in the shop only for a little while today. finished the wooden top for the drill press. Annie wanted to clean up around the long neglected other apple tree. my boat was parked next to it for many many years. I had to use the loader to jerk out three large bushes blocking the boat from...
  14. jvls1942

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    four o;clock and I just about hit a wall. I really gave it in the shop. finished all of the slats,, except for cutting them to length.. also have the wooden table top glued and clamped. will let it set overnight. I made tons of sawdust. sure felt good. also made some firewood. got some...
  15. jvls1942

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    I made good progress with the bench slats yesterday, today I will round all the edges and then cut them to length. I have two pieces of 2x4 trimmed down and planed to thickness, I will glue them to the wooden table top on the drill press. bringing the width to 14". covering the whole...
  16. jvls1942

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    I had a slow start for the day, but it ended with my getting the wooden table top onto the drill press. then I got eight of the nine slats cut for the park bench. then bro Dave came and I was done working for the day., that's OK because visiting people is important, too. I will be home...
  17. jvls1942

    Helpful hints for building coops

    Maybe she is going for the world record. I hope she doesn't have a difficult time of it.
  18. jvls1942

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    rain rain and more rain. two weeks ago we bought a bare root pear tree. I stuck it into a half of a 55 gal barrel temporarily. good thing I did or it would be water logged. the barrel has plenty of drain holes. I have not had to water it since the day I planted it. It is looking really nice...
  19. jvls1942

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    I had a good day on Saturday. I worked on the drill press. bought hand knobs for the tilt mechanism. they would not screw onto the bolts. I tried everything and finally decided that the bolts are metric. so, I put the one good original handle on and also put the threaded part of the broken...
  20. jvls1942

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    we live about half way down on a long gradual slope. the water does not puddle up until it gets to the bottom, just before getting to the river. well past our yard.
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