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  1. EdnaAndEdith

    Abdominal Cyst??

    Very true indeed. And so sad. At least she has been able to feel grass beneath her feet for a short while. Praise the Lord for today because Nona had a full crop at bedtime and was energetically running away from me like I was playing “tag- you're it!” to avoid evening meds. They all have...
  2. EdnaAndEdith

    Rooster Only Flock

    FYI in case someone is dealing with a similar situation in the future and wanting to know what became of this situation. In my search for females for the boys I came across a rescue organization that was involved in a commercial egg farm rescue. I was blessed with the opportunity to help 14...
  3. EdnaAndEdith

    Abdominal Cyst??

    Thank you for the information! I certainly understand the likelihood that what we’re dealing with is terminal reproductive issues of some sort or another. This was unlike any other episode of ascites, EYP, or other cancers that I have seen that’s why I wondered if it was some sort of cyst...
  4. EdnaAndEdith

    Abdominal Cyst??

    Hello, we recently rescued fourteen hens from a commercial egg farm situation. All had scaly leg mites (treated now), almost all had diarrhea (dewormed multiple times now). All were severely underweight and five were acting sickly at first. That was a month ago. All are starting to put weight...
  5. EdnaAndEdith

    Rooster Only Flock

    The skin incision would likely be minor. But incising the abdomen is painful. And removing the testicles themselves more so. If an organ has a major blood supply going to it (as reproductive organs do) then you have to cut through a nerve or two in order to remove it. Just because a...
  6. EdnaAndEdith

    Rooster Only Flock

    It seems to be mostly during the day when they were together. At night they would cuddle up close to each other sometimes even snuggling their heads on each other. Now that they are separated they have not been fighting through the fence so it is hard for me to judge.
  7. EdnaAndEdith

    Rooster Only Flock

    I couldn’t find any vet willing to do it or I would! And I wouldn’t do it without proper anesthesia.
  8. EdnaAndEdith

    Rooster Only Flock

    This is so encouraging! Fingers are crossed! Now I’m searching for some females old enough to put in and test my theory… of course, no one wants to give up any females. 🤷‍♀️
  9. EdnaAndEdith

    Rooster Only Flock

    Thank you all so much for your valuable feedback! I can see there are so many ways to handle these situations. I did end up separating the boys via a wall since they continued to have minor squabbles that I was afraid would escalate. My main goal in this was simply to buy me time to figure out...
  10. EdnaAndEdith

    Rooster Only Flock

    Fascinating! I was thinking the same thing that it would be easier with more of them.
  11. EdnaAndEdith

    Rooster Only Flock

    Wow! Such WONDERFUL feedback from everyone! I’m so surprised at all of the great responses that I have gotten. There are too many to quote all of them here but I really appreciate all of the ideas and help! The boys had another squabble and I put the bully, Moe, in a wire dog crate and went...
  12. EdnaAndEdith

    Rooster Only Flock

    I agree that the considerations are deeply personal and individual to the situation and the individual creature -human or chicken or anything else. Thank you for your alternative view. I will base my care choices on the individuals involved with consideration of their needs and continue to...
  13. EdnaAndEdith

    Rooster Only Flock

    In your example above, what “evil” did the young roosters commit in order to be outcast in the first place? Your example above is a natural environment without prisons or boxes. There are many celibate people who live perfectly happy lives. I don’t see this as unethical as long as the being is...
  14. EdnaAndEdith

    Rooster Only Flock

    I appreciate your alternative viewpoint. Thank you for sharing. I would like to suggest that while those “outcasts” are growing and developing in their own group (away from hens) they form brotherhoods and bonds with each other in the same way that any other flock creature does. They establish...
  15. EdnaAndEdith

    Rooster Only Flock

    Thank you for your comments! My husband was talking about putting a wire division through the center of the barn if they do continue to fight. I agree about the establishing pecking order thing. Right now it seems there is peace in the land again and I’m hoping it stays that way. I’m going...
  16. EdnaAndEdith

    Rooster Only Flock

    Sadly I do not know their breeds. I think Moe might be part Americana but I’m not sure. He has a few feathers down his legs and feet too which I don’t believe matches with the Americana guess. But I’m not sure. 🤷‍♀️ I have no idea what Murphy (the white one) is…. I’ll post some better pictures...
  17. EdnaAndEdith

    Rooster Only Flock

    Also, I just read that melatonin can lower testosterone levels in roosters. Does anyone know if this is true? Maybe if I can get Moes testosterone level down during this first spring, he will mellow with age next year. My old roosters first spring was hard too but he quickly calmed.
  18. EdnaAndEdith

    Rooster Only Flock

    Okay, now I’m really confused… This morning Murphy’s eyes were crusted shut with dried blood. Looked like his comb had started bleeding at some point overnight. Yesterday I left the boys together because I’ve still been afraid of them fighting worse when I reintroduce them back again and...
  19. EdnaAndEdith

    Rooster Only Flock

    I was kind of thinking along those lines. I’m going to go to the hardware store and see what they have. But I was worried that the boys would be able to see too much through the fabric style. Here’s an example picture.
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