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  1. N

    Incubator did not reset! Eggs didn't turn!

    I know I am a year late, and I hope you had a good success! I ended up having 4 out of 6 hatch. Who knows what would have happened had I reset the turner, but it is still a decent hatch rate. All of them ended up being hens, which is even better luck!
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    Day old duckling poor neck control.

    I hatched 4 Indian runner ducklings yesterday. The last one hatched a little puny. It had a hard time balancing upright in the incubator so I left it overnight so we could have a little more time by itself. This morning it was still having a hard time with its balance in mobility. I read another...
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    Vent gleet?

    Thank you for your help
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    Vent gleet?

    With two birds affected, what would be the underlying cause?
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    Vent gleet?

    Sorry replied to the wrong comment! No crop issues that I can tell. What should I be feeling for?
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    Vent gleet?

    No crop issues that I can tell.
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    Vent gleet?

    They are on a starter/grower food by nutrena. I treat them with soldier fly grubs from Eaton pet and pasture and add some hemp seeds to their food.
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    Vent gleet?

    I am assuming this is vent gleet. I noticed it this afternoon on two of my silkies.. We have had a ton of rain the past few days so I'm not sure how long it's been going on. I'm wondering because it's happening to two hens if it's a bacterial infection spread by my rooster. He's a new rooster...
  9. N

    Is this duck egg fertilized?

    Thank you for your thorough response! I did not consider things that may impact viability. I have someone close by that I will donate eggs to for a test batch before selling! Hopefully I will have some good results. I did not know about self fertilization! That is wild!
  10. N

    Is this duck egg fertilized?

    Hi! This is my first time checking for fertilization in duck eggs, my runner ducks have recently started laying again and I'm considering selling hatching eggs. I've witnessed my drake performing his "fertilization ritual", but this is his first year, so he may need some more practice. I...
  11. N

    Nutrition help for chickens with Marek's Disease

    That's good advice! Chicken nutrition seems pretty precise. Thank you so much! Unfortunately the Internet has not provided the simple solution I have sought. Feed x or do x for chickens suffering from Marek's. I will play around. At this point I feel like if they will die without being...
  12. N

    Nutrition help for chickens with Marek's Disease

    Thank you so much! Very helpful.
  13. N

    Nutrition help for chickens with Marek's Disease

    I'm asking for veteran chicken keepers, and hopefully someone who has gone through a similar situation, to help me determine if I'm doing the right things. I'm not actively looking to switch foods, but if my flock would be better served with a food that has higher protein, more fats or some...
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    Nutrition help for chickens with Marek's Disease

    Yes, I did have a necropsy. Two presented with the paralytic version about 3 weeks apart. At first, it seemed like a bad leg injury and progressed significantly within 24 hours. The first vet I took my first hen to suspected a spinal injury, but after the second hen had essentially the same...
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    Nutrition help for chickens with Marek's Disease

    This is my first year raising chickens. I hatched 10 Silkies and bought 3 more from a local breeder. I have been feeding them Naturewise Starter feed (linked) since I have a rooster in my flock. I recently discovered that I have a Marek's disease infection and lost 3 hens in about 3 weeks. My...
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    Comment by 'NimsHouseGarden' in article 'Killer in the Shadows. How My Flock and I Learned to Deal With Marek's Disease'

    Thank you so much for sharing. I just got the diagnosis after losing three birds within the last three weeks. I consider myself to provide excellent care to my birds and keep their environment clean at all times. The first bird I lost was supposedly vaccinated, I am worried what this means for...
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    Heat source for ducklings in the summer?

    THank Thanks! I moved them off heat and they are doing great! Already getting their feathers.
  18. N

    Ground cover in an open air run

    Yes! I just read that you could get up to 20 CY at a time! Which seems like too much! That's a great idea.
  19. N

    Ground cover in an open air run

    Thank you! That's great advice. I recently heard about a service that is supposed to deliver wood chips for free! "Free chip drop" or something.
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