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  1. D

    what could this be?

    thank you so much for your help
  2. D

    what could this be?

    shes a year and half old when she first started laying she was doing pretty good one of my girls not sure if it was her had a soft egg then a rubbery egg then october hit they all stopped laying looked like only one of my girls was molting then all of them havnt had eggs seens
  3. D

    what could this be?

    i hope to god her health turns atound my my sweetest girl so gentle and kind and smart to smart lol thank you
  4. D

    what could this be?

    does anyone know what this is, one of my hens hasnt been feeling good i thought she was egg bound didnt feel an egg gave her an epsom salt bath put some vasalin on he vent then this came out the next day
  5. D

    still not laying eggs

    shes so cute im in knoxville tennessee, im feeding them purina layer crumbles they love that brand and has to be crumble and i mix in hen house resrerve feed so they have planty of protein and nutrients and give them clean water every other day i also give them wet feed every couple of days so i...
  6. D

    still not laying eggs

    tha k you for your help im gana try that i also may think there not getting enough light
  7. D

    still not laying eggs

    thank you for the tips ive attached a photo of there coop and with run ide hate to close them in there coop for to long but maybe they need to stay in there run for a couple days (dont mind the horrible plastic job for winter shower curtins not the best idea lol)😆
  8. D

    still not laying eggs

    thats ehat we thought but cant find a single egg and when they free range we have a section of the yard fenced off just for them me and my husband have searched everywer its the weirdest thing
  9. D

    still not laying eggs

    thank you so much i sure do love those girls 😁
  10. D

    still not laying eggs

    thank you for responding i i open there coop door around 6am so there in there fancy run castle chicken run (as my husband would say lol) untill around 2ish then i let them free range till bedtime which now around 7:30ish to note i have some entertaining things like toys, a mirror and kitty...
  11. D

    still not laying eggs

    so ive posted this before but im just getting worries for my girls i have theee isa browns there 1 year and 1 month old its april and there still not laying any eggs and thats all three of them they look and act completely healthy ive attached picture below there combs and wattles are bright...
  12. D

    spring time

    thank you will do
  13. D

    spring time

    spring is just around the corner stupid question but when should i take down the plastic thats wrapped around my chicken run from winter weather im in tennessee so spring we get a lot of rain so dont want to take it down to early
  14. D

    weird droppings

    ok so im going to attach a picture not the best but its all i got lol one of my hens pushed this out dont wven no how to describe it its like a rubbery ball now my girls are not layign right now due to the cold weather there not even a year old yet what in the world is this can anyone help shes...
  15. D

    hen not acting her usual self

    her crop feels hard and firm and it was rmpty this morning but she is havng white loose stools i did notice one of her stools she had find shavings in it which is weird never seen that shes eating and drinking a little here and there
  16. D

    hen not acting her usual self

    it is the morning after her crop is empty shes eating and drinking now all the dropping from my girls is normal my girls are 8 months old shes seems a little more lively today weird they havnt had eggs in a couple months im feeding her pellets mixed with crumbled layer feed and meal worms at...
  17. D

    hen not acting her usual self

    good afternoon i have a question if anyone can help one of my hens “cher” is not acting her normal self shes been laying around not very active today and ive noticed shes not eating as much or drinking as much and i noticed her poo dosmt like normal to me, she was sleeping in my lap for like and...
  18. D

    chickens not laying

    i check there skin frequently im always worried they will get bugs lol there skin looms really good there poo looks pretty normal they eat, drink run around like nothing is wrong there still young and i no there a hubrid breed so i dont expect much as long as there happy and healthy
  19. D

    chickens not laying

    ithought that might have something to do with it i didnt want to put in any supplemental lights in and mess them up thank you for your help
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