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  1. Brittsplace

    Anyone in WV???

    oh no! how many did you lose?
  2. Brittsplace

    Anyone in WV???

    I was very fortunate to be in an unaffected area. How is everyone else though
  3. Brittsplace

    Anyone in WV???

    my son named his new light Sussex Cupcake!
  4. Brittsplace

    Anyone in WV???

    in between Charleston and Beckley, both are within an hours drive for me and I have a cabin in Hinton so I could from there too lol just no luck
  5. Brittsplace

    Anyone in WV???

    I know your pain, I am so wanting to get some Polish to add to my flock but so far I can't find anyone close to me. I did sell 7 chickens to a friend who wanted to start the chicken hobby. lol
  6. Brittsplace

    Anyone in WV???

    I sure will I am really happy with 2 out of 3 of them. there are two that the coloring is so bright and golden at their heads and then fades out around their back.
  7. Brittsplace

    Anyone in WV???

    I like My Pet Chicken I got some golden cuckoo marans from there I also bought a few surprise chicks, can't decide whether 2 of them are barnevelders, dark Cornish, or pendescna. I think they are both different things.
  8. Brittsplace

    Anyone in WV???

    I started making hen saddles because my hens were loosing so many feathers. He isn't rough or anything but I think he just treds them too often.
  9. Brittsplace

    Anyone in WV???

    I go to three different ones and I have always seen mistakes at least once in each one.
  10. Brittsplace

    Anyone in WV???

    isn't it odd how TSC seems to always have different breeds mixed in with what they said. I swear there were amberlinks the other day marked on a tub and there was obviously some red sexlinks in there
  11. Brittsplace

    Anyone in WV???

    l Iike it because it is great at incubating but on hatch day last time I had an issue with the humidity effecting the heating element. so this time I incubated in the mini and hatched in the LG.
  12. Brittsplace

    Anyone in WV???

    Well I have hatched out a total of 4 brahma welsummer crosses this year and 3 have already come into their adult feathering. They are built like the brahma with the brahma comb and lightly feathered feet but they get the goldish feathers at their necks like a welsummer hen. I know they will lay...
  13. Brittsplace

    Anyone in WV???

    well I ended up with a brahma/welsummer cross, 3 EE, and 1 welsummer and guess what it was, a rooster! I have a brinsea mini eco and a LG
  14. Brittsplace

    Anyone in WV???

    aww congrats. I am hoping to add a few EE hens
  15. Brittsplace

    Anyone in WV???

    What kind of incubator do you have? I really wanted another welsummer hen but all the welsummer eggs I have hatched turned out to be roos.
  16. Brittsplace

    Anyone in WV???

    I have 2 EE I am waiting to hatch but so far I have 1 welsummer, 1 brahma/welsummer cross and 1 EE out. I have three that I think are quitters. I only set 8 eggs
  17. Brittsplace

    Anyone in WV???

    Yes looks like. halfway through a hatch right now
  18. Brittsplace

    Anyone in WV???

    I know right, my gals lay such lovely terra cotta to light cholcolate eggs. I have two more in my bator right now, fingers crossed for hens!
  19. Brittsplace

    Anyone in WV???

    Congrats on the new babies. I have some set to hatch out a week from now!
  20. Brittsplace

    Anyone in WV???

    Hi I hatched my own chicks this year all were welsummers or welsummer crosses.
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