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  1. Conan

    The Moonshiner's Leghorns

    Hope it was a good one. I'll bet you're younger than me. Mysterious old soul.
  2. Conan

    The Moonshiner's Leghorns

    Happy birthday, Mooney. My gift to you is validation.
  3. Conan

    The Moonshiner's Leghorns

    I'm pretty sure the mods don't find anyone funny, especially those who misuse the highly subjective informative reaction. You ever get one of those reprimands where it's like they're assigning you homework to go back over your answers and see if you really meant it? To which my response is... oh...
  4. Conan

    The Moonshiner's Leghorns

    So Mooney, have you done anything interesting lately besides naming roosters after online weirdos? And, from what I can gather, NOT naming house hens after Mare?
  5. Conan

    The Moonshiner's Leghorns

    That number sounds good in theory, but it doesn't live up to the hype. I bet.
  6. Conan

    The Moonshiner's Leghorns

    I'm pretty sure this is the best photo you've ever taken.
  7. Conan

    The Moonshiner's Leghorns

    What you must think of me. I ❤ cocks. Just not those ones. I'm only asking for an option C. Is that not fair?
  8. Conan

    The Moonshiner's Leghorns

    I see your point, but both those birds are still ugly.
  9. Conan

    The Moonshiner's Leghorns

    How about option C, for neither, because they both ugly as sin.
  10. Conan

    The Moonshiner's Leghorns

    There, there. No need for a tantrum. How would it look to all your loyal followers to see their fearless kind of big deal leader behave like a toddler over cookies?
  11. Conan

    The Moonshiner's Leghorns

    Look, Moony, I show up when it matters. Leghorns? Meh. Genetics? Rad. Cookies? Comment worthy.
  12. Conan

    The Moonshiner's Leghorns

    These look stupid good. I demand that you PM me the recipe. I'd eat a whole tray in one sitting.
  13. Conan

    The Moonshiner's Leghorns

    I love being right. I don't hug trees. I chainsaw them down, and burn them.
  14. Conan

    The Moonshiner's Leghorns

    Urns, and headstones. I work in death care, and we get tons of crates from overseas... oh, and bigass printers come in giant wooden crates. I've taken them from work before.
  15. Conan

    The Moonshiner's Leghorns

    What a sheltered life you lead.
  16. Conan

    The Moonshiner's Leghorns

    What about big boy culottes? Those still a thing?
  17. Conan

    The Moonshiner's Leghorns

    Oh, you know, I slum it sometimes.
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