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  1. becstalls

    Coffee Club

    Good morning coffee club! Got to hear my rooster’s first little crow this morning! It sounded like a slowly deflating whoopie cushion 😂. It’s crazy humid here today, so I’m glad I got the hardware cloth screen on the coop window yesterday so I can leave it open at night now. Coffee’s on, and I’m...
  2. becstalls

    Coffee Club

    It is totally this kind of morning.
  3. becstalls

    Coffee Club

    Good morning! ☀️ coffee’s on. 😊
  4. becstalls

    Coffee Club

  5. becstalls

    Coffee Club

    Just got back from a great vacation in Maine with my whole family. It was great to have us all together there again. Now it’s back to normal life.
  6. becstalls

    Coffee Club

    Good morning. Coffee’s on.
  7. becstalls

    Coffee Club

    Morning all. It’s been a minute. End of the school year and summer still have me trying to figure things out. Have some coffee.
  8. becstalls

    Coffee Club

    Good morning! Really slow getting up today, but I got some weeds pulled while the kids were waiting for the bus and now I’m finishing off my coffee.
  9. becstalls

    Coffee Club

    The roof is finally on! Chicks spent their first night in the coop and enjoying some coffee with them this morning. A starling managed to get in under the hardware cloth on the roof vent. So I’ll have to fix that problem this afternoon. All in all an exciting morning!
  10. becstalls

    Coffee Club

    Forget to set my alarm so I didn’t get my coffee in until AFTER the kids got on the bus. So I was off to a rough start today, but feeling a little less like the creature from the black lagoon now that I have some coffee in me.
  11. becstalls

    Coffee Club

    Good morning. Coffee’s on. Looks to be rainy today so no work on the coop. Hubby is finally home so we can replace the roof. Dumptruck and Midnight (named by 5 year old boys 😂) up top visiting for a bit.
  12. becstalls

    Coffee Club

    Good morning all! The last 7days have been busy with the kids on break. But back to school today! In other news, does anyone know why the BYC smilies can no longer be used is I’m on the phone app? Coffee is on!
  13. becstalls

    Coffee Club

  14. becstalls

    Coffee Club

    Good morning! It’s been a busy week and I haven’t been online much. But today is chick day!! This calls for a second cup!
  15. becstalls

    Coffee Club

    Good morning. Coffee’s on. Thanks for making some for me.
  16. becstalls

    Coffee Club

    Good morning. Coffee’s on.
  17. becstalls

    Coffee Club

    Sorry to hear you have Covid, but I am definitely going to be trying liquid motrin with a coffee chaser the next time i’m sick! Really, anything with a coffee chaser sounds pretty good. 🙃
  18. becstalls

    Coffee Club

    Good morning all. Coffee’s on, and I finally have my eye appointment today and can update my prescription! :weeHope you all have equally good things to look forward to today.
  19. becstalls

    Coffee Club

    That sounds like a great recipe. How do you make English muffins from pizza dough?
  20. becstalls

    Coffee Club

    So good to sleep in my actual bed last night. Coffee’s on, have enough to share.
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