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  1. Ted_Harrell

    Pet Peeves

    Seems like when you are in a hurry, all the slow folks are not, strange...Guess a lot of my pets are peeves :D
  2. Ted_Harrell

    Pet Peeves

    Yep, don't care if I can get 14 more for an extra dollar, just let me get what I need and go home...
  3. Ted_Harrell

    Pet Peeves

    Those are the very folks that would act like I was somehow beneath them, yep met them...
  4. Ted_Harrell

    Pet Peeves

    Alright folks, gotta go, talk to you guys, and gals latter...
  5. Ted_Harrell

    Pet Peeves

    no need to get al romantic all of the sudden....just kidding azurbanclucker...
  6. Ted_Harrell

    Pet Peeves

    they wouldn't dare, guess they didn't see you coming...
  7. Ted_Harrell

    Pet Peeves

    this time of year the farmers round here and plowing and fertilizing, you know, the kind that is brown and chunky, aroma, not fond of that one either...
  8. Ted_Harrell

    Pet Peeves

    The plant i work in has a large percentage of latin, hatian, and burmese folks. They sometimes bring in fish dishes to warm up in the microwave, woa, what an aroma, makes you not want any fish for some time after that....just sayin...
  9. Ted_Harrell

    Pet Peeves

    oooooo, I can literally smell the milk , great imagery on that one....
  10. Ted_Harrell

    Pet Peeves

    Exactly.....thanks Brooks....
  11. Ted_Harrell

    Pet Peeves

    I am having way too much fun with this......
  12. Ted_Harrell

    Pet Peeves

    or the TV ads that are about sensitive subjects always seem to show up just before a meal time...
  13. Ted_Harrell

    Pet Peeves

    Or the folks that somehow magically know your vehicles warranty is about to run did they know?
  14. Ted_Harrell

    Pet Peeves

    Yep junk mail in general, how bout the car lots that send you the key stuck to the ad that might just open the car you won't win....Hate em...
  15. Ted_Harrell

    Pet Peeves

    after 258 pages, we bout have enough to write a book of these....
  16. Ted_Harrell

    Pet Peeves

    or on a calm day when you drop a paper on the ground, and then a gust of wind keeps it just out of reach...
  17. Ted_Harrell

    Pet Peeves

    or the kind folks at the grocery store putting more than one two liter in those plastic bags, never gonna make it home without ending up on the ground...
  18. Ted_Harrell

    Pet Peeves

    Yep the runny nosed kids are my wife's pet peeve too...
  19. Ted_Harrell

    Pet Peeves

    You all are great, I needed these laughs today....
  20. Ted_Harrell

    Pet Peeves

    Just sayin.....These things happen.....
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