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  1. chickenlover8969

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Fluffy Butt Photo Contest

    i know i have a light brahma rooster well cockerel you should see it the buff brahmas are the fluffyist i have some of them
  2. chickenlover8969

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Fluffy Butt Photo Contest

    no you should be alble to enter three more acording to the list up top dont know if its not letting you post though
  3. chickenlover8969

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Fluffy Butt Photo Contest

    Its not realy a neighborhood its basically like farm land. My property is only 4.5362 acres but I have a horse and some crops. When I am 23-25 I plan on starting a chick hatchery business but, who knows I would have to quit photography. The one other thing as important as chickens besides my...
  4. chickenlover8969

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Fluffy Butt Photo Contest

    yeah every day I hangout with my hens If I am on a buisness trip my freind wathces them hes the house down the road from mine he has chickens to I usally have to go places because I am a wildlife photographer I sell my work at shows Im not a celebrity or anything but im pretty good and know my...
  5. chickenlover8969

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Fluffy Butt Photo Contest

    they have been together there whole life although my wellsummer is 1-2 months younger one of my hens hatched him later after the light brahma was hatched by a diffrent one they have never fought I do not free range but dont worrry they have around 2000 sqaure feet some of it grass I used to free...
  6. chickenlover8969

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Fluffy Butt Photo Contest

    since fluffles is bigger in older will that help with it or will it make it worse you know like will my welsummer just not bother the light brahma.
  7. chickenlover8969

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Fluffy Butt Photo Contest

    do you know if there is anything I can do to help the roosters be alble to stay together
  8. chickenlover8969

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Fluffy Butt Photo Contest

    I love the one on the dirt next to the field I do wildlife photography with my brother as a business nice photo the entries i did werent my best effort tooken with my phone to not a great camrea
  9. chickenlover8969

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Fluffy Butt Photo Contest

    the roosters name is fluffles when I was younger Like closer to ten now im 19 but I named him after the rooster I had as a little kid oh yes he is young not quite a rooster right now a cockerel only like 5-7months old but its hard to remember because I hatch chicks over diffrent months hes going...
  10. chickenlover8969

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Fluffy Butt Photo Contest

    I know its crazy lol the rooster is a light brahma the hen is a buff brahma. light brahmas get so biglol thankyou do you have chickens or any other poultry
  11. chickenlover8969

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Fluffy Butt Photo Contest

    buff brahma/ jennifer keeping those buns warm... wait chickens have a vent. bro was making sure I wasent doing anything I shouldint be the whole time would not get out of the camera lol I love this guy this is a entry
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