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  1. Patiocoturnix

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    Due to rules 2 and 4 these do not qualify
  2. Patiocoturnix

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    As well as they are all over here.
  3. Patiocoturnix

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    It depends on how they are sitting look up a mockingbird. I know their look because 2-3 years ago now I had to save some and take them to a rehab after a hawk got the parents and knocked the nest down.
  4. Patiocoturnix

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    Not my picture just a picture to show to see if they are them.
  5. Patiocoturnix

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    I could be very wrong but I believe since he is a pet now his entry does not count.
  6. Patiocoturnix

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    Kinda look like mockingbird chicks to me.
  7. Patiocoturnix

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    Yeah the yellow ones are the same as the black ones both eastern lubbers just different colors I get swarmed here Florida has all the crazy bugs and what not lol
  8. Patiocoturnix

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    Are the large grasshoppers you see yellow?
  9. Patiocoturnix

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    Nope from what I understand they are highly poisonous/toxic to small birds and mammals
  10. Patiocoturnix

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    Two more not entry’s these would be great if they weren’t captive.
  11. Patiocoturnix

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    Is an eastern lubber grasshopper.
  12. Patiocoturnix

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    Yes I know. I removed my earlier entry’s due to the same reason I’m not entering I’ll have to clear something up with casportpony before I do re enter contests
  13. Patiocoturnix

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    Not entry’s just to show
  14. Patiocoturnix

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    Your all good just wanted to let you know before it came judging time so it wasn’t disqualified
  15. Patiocoturnix

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    Rule number 1 Just repost one in a separate post and remove it from your first post and you should be good!
  16. Patiocoturnix

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    Cool picture but due to rule 4 This picture will not be able to be judged
  17. Patiocoturnix

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    Swans are not on the domestic list so.
  18. Patiocoturnix

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    That’s what I meant thank you.
  19. Patiocoturnix

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    @azurbanclucker can you please remove my entry’s?
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