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  1. BuddhaBob

    Crossing wyandottes of 4 different colors with jubilee orpingtons.

    Thanks for the info. You confirmed what I had gleaned from others as far as the Wyandotte mixing. Good to know about the orpingtons. Planned on possibly crossing the orpingtons with my Wyandotte rooster for eating chickens down the line since the get so big. Separate coop and run, and no naming...
  2. BuddhaBob

    Crossing wyandottes of 4 different colors with jubilee orpingtons.

    We're starting our flock with 2 silver laced Wyandotte females, 2 blue laced red Wyandotte females, 1 splash laced red Wyandotte, 2 gold laced Wyandottes (1 female, 1male), and 2 jubilee orpingtons. Want to breed them. Thinking wyandottes and orpingtons. Wondered if any of the mottling might get...
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