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  1. Acre4Me

    What did you do in the garden today?

    We recently did a sweep of options bc older teen needed and requested work pants. For her we found the Wrangler Riggs line to be the best fit. She loves all the pockets and pocket placement too. We tried and returned many others.
  2. Acre4Me

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Not a single sprout yet. Kept them moist too. Hoping to have success, but was thinking I’d see sprouts by now.
  3. Acre4Me

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I’m not sure how I feel about this… the babies discovered tasty strawberry leaves… Chowing down. The girl, in back, was intent and very into the leaves. The boy kept going back to the old dried leaves on the plants. I’m out running errands and stopped to pick up some shaved Ribeye - a...
  4. Acre4Me

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Yikes!!! I hope you get back to normal quickly! Glad you are on the mend.
  5. Acre4Me

    What did you do in the garden today?

    A nice wet evening and overnight- just rain, nothing like a storm. We got between a third and a half inch of rain -perfect for the garden! We covered the areas for sweet potatoes with black plastic, and bought another green septic pipe to cut up into rings. We have had the best success with...
  6. Acre4Me

    What did you do in the garden today?

    You use the male blossoms. Remove pollen bits. Stuff then coat and pan fry. I have done both types of coating- dry flour or breadcrumbs after an egg wash, or a batter. I preferred the batter coating. But, I’d try both to see what you prefer. My neighbors will pick and fry up then freeze...
  7. Acre4Me

    What did you do in the garden today?

    We’ve picked scapes 3x so far- yummy add to cooking! Also yummy pickled! My winter squash has sprouted. No vining or flowers yet. If you want lots of flowers bees love, I highly recommend Borage. It has amazed me how many bees are on those plants! I think you are warmer/more intense sun...
  8. Acre4Me

    What did you do in the garden today?

    About to check the garden! Took 22 chickens and chicks to the auction, but didn’t stay bc other things to take care of. Sold the 3 male goat kids yesterday. Still have two other kids here - the one girl and her now neutered male friend. But at least spouse has his workshop back as the...
  9. Acre4Me

    What did you do in the garden today?

    We add gypsum to the soil for calcium. We’ve added extra oyster shell too, but that takes awhile and the right pH to be available.
  10. Acre4Me

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Is this like vet wrap sold at TSC - comes in a variety of colors?
  11. Acre4Me

    What did you do in the garden today?

    We had a similar experience, but it appeared the raccoon dug a little here, there, and lots of small holes. I guess smart enough to realize there really wasn’t anything there. It’s my understanding SVB aren’t out west. So, you can stake the squash to grow vertical and better airflow but...
  12. Acre4Me

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Low in the 40s last night through Friday. Chillier than I’d like, but, it’s not too low for most things. We space them out only enough to put small tomato cages around them. So the cages touch. They are that close together. In a raised bed, we usually skip the middle spot for a little more...
  13. Acre4Me

    What did you do in the garden today?

    @Swiss, Sue is right! Peppers like to be a bit crowded. In our raised bed (4’x16’), we plant 3 rows, and 13-14 lengthwise. This year we also planted them tight in the large bed: two rows, then a narrow path, 2 more rows… narrow path. I had already been crowding them before I found this...
  14. Acre4Me

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Bean towers are strung. Need to plant some more bean seeds. Following the carrot video (posted by @Smokerbill i recall), I soaked carrot seeds in water for a few days. Today made cornstarch gel and mixed in the carrot seeds. Then, using a plastic bag, spread them in a trench. Usually one...
  15. Acre4Me

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Watered the garden, and then prepped and planted the trap crop squash plants in pots. They are near, but away from the main squash. Hoping that the trap crops draw them in instead of attacking the squash I want. Last year the summer squash produced very well despite being attacked heavily by...
  16. Acre4Me

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Normally this is the time we are planting: Memorial Day weekend thru early June. With the nice weather and lack of frost…we planted earlier, and are mostly planted at this point, with only a few things left. One reason we wait us bc we have a few hundred acres of farm field to our west and a...
  17. Acre4Me

    What did you do in the garden today?

    They are volunteers from last year! Yes, lots of little borage plants in the vicinity.
  18. Acre4Me

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Baby girl (7 weeks) next to her mom. She already weighs just over 14 lbs!! (Birth weight was 1lb, 11ounces). Borage is flowering. Garlic is creating scapes Scapes were cooked with fresh spinach from the garden!
  19. Acre4Me

    What did you do in the garden today?

    We’ve used this and it seems to work. Raccoons have never touched this. Just sprinkle in their holes. Replace after rain. We bought ours at Walmart.
  20. Acre4Me

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Thanks! He is right- you really need to baby the carrot seeds to get them to germinate. We have pretty good success with carrots, but we do try to keep them moist daily until true carrot leaves appear, so it’s a task that can get forgotten. I may try this for the last section of carrots...
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