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  1. S

    The Old Folks Home

    I do that when I make hubby's lemon meringue pie. Or pumpkin pie. I have found a GF crust in the store that he "doesn't hate." But he said it kind of ruined the pie experience for him, so I won't buy it again. We had some jalapenos this last weekend that you would have sworn were plain ol'...
  2. S

    The Old Folks Home

    Well, I only have the one chocolate cake recipe that I've actually made a few times. (But it's really, really good!) GF baking is... hit or miss for me. The flour ain't cheap, so I figure I have to eat it whether it turns out well or not. If I'm going to make it for other people, I tend to...
  3. S

    The Old Folks Home

    That's MY kind of wedding attire! :thumbsup
  4. S

    The Old Folks Home

    I have one go-to GF chocolate cake recipe that is very rich and decadent. I don't make too many desserts, as I have all of hubby's sweet teeth. (IE, I have a sweet tooth; him, not so much, and I end up eating waaay too much of it.) I like the idea of different things in small pieces, so people...
  5. S

    The Old Folks Home

    80, sunny, and very dry here now. Stuff is starting to wilt. I weeded for about 2-3 hours today, and planted a row of swiss chard and a row of bush beans. Warm this coming week, and then a big cool down coming by Memorial Day.
  6. S

    The Old Folks Home

    Went to Costco and stocked up on a few things. And found hubby some Coke in glass bottles! That wasn't a cheap add on to the list, but he doesn't drink it every day, so it'll last quite a while.
  7. S

    The Old Folks Home

    It's raining right now. It's not supposed to rain all day, but I think I'll take advantage of it right now, to get some inside stuff done. Like a nap...
  8. S

    The Old Folks Home

    Weed block is a total misnomer. :mad:
  9. S

    The Old Folks Home

    I thought all my parts came with a lifetime warranty...??
  10. S

    The Old Folks Home

    Good morning! I used to get sore muscles from the work I did yesterday (move a lot of heavy clay soil), but now it's sore joints. I want to tell those namby-pamby joints, "Shut up and do as you're told!" in my most authoritarian parent voice. It's coming out as a wheedling beg: "Aw, honey...
  11. S

    The Old Folks Home

    Hope you and yours are all ok, @LTAY1946!
  12. S

    The Old Folks Home

    Maybe in Grand Rapids...? That's about 40 miles from here. I doubt he'd be interested in joining. When it comes to photography, he likes to do his own thing.
  13. S

    The Old Folks Home

    Yesterday, Hubby's boss at work gave him something that had been his grandmother's. It was a Brownie camera! I'd never seen one before. He's wondering if he can cut down a sheet of 4x5 film to fit, just for the experience of using it. Also yesterday, his order of darkroom stuff arrived. And a...
  14. S

    The Old Folks Home

    Good morning! Here's more coffee, if needed. I sure needed it this morning. Some cool/chilly and damp/wet days ahead. I'll see what I can get done inside/outside. I need to make another frittata. There are so many eggs sitting on the counter...
  15. S

    The Old Folks Home

    Feeling it today in my hands and back, from digging and hauling sod. I have a lot more to dig/haul, but think I might do something else today. What I really need is for this coffee to kick my butt into gear! Or a nap.
  16. S

    The Old Folks Home

    I had a nap this morning, and will probably have trouble falling asleep tonight, but oh well. Since it rained most of the day (until about 3pm, when the sun came out), I got indoor stuff done. Like making peanut butter. Freya always helps with cleaning up the spoon. :)
  17. S

    The Old Folks Home

    Feeling it a bit today. I got a lot done, but parts of me want to take tomorrow off. I told me, you can stay inside if it's raining. Otherwise, out you go, and get stuff done!
  18. S

    The Old Folks Home

    That sounds like fun!
  19. S

    The Old Folks Home

    Good morning! Lots to do today, and I have to be done, cleaned up and showered in time to go to my chiropractor by 4:15-4:30ish. :barnie
  20. S

    The Old Folks Home

    FIL finally got a decent set of hearing aids. Before that, his wife would yell at him, repeatedly, the same thing. (Why don't you go into the room where he is???) His church offered a class for the spouses/friends of people who wear hearing aids, so that they could understand what it was like...
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