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  1. Farmgirl283420


    He’s a big handsome boy! I love the color of his eyes with the color of his feathers!
  2. Farmgirl283420


    So you have pictures of your roosters? They sound beautiful!
  3. Farmgirl283420


    Royal enjoyed some free range time with his girls today! That’s one of the few pictures I ever got of him flapping!
  4. Farmgirl283420


    Things do get difficult when you get unexpected Roos! Hopefully you can regome them. Do you have any pictures of them? I would love to see them! 😊
  5. Farmgirl283420


    I love the name meatball! My other Cochin rooster that I had to rehome was like a meatball! His feathers were really thick so he looked fat!
  6. Farmgirl283420


    That’s so funny! He seems like a good rooster!
  7. Farmgirl283420


    he sounds like a great rooster! I think he’s beautiful!
  8. Farmgirl283420


    Here’s Royal with Tilda the silkie and Lily the jersey giant who is not so giant!
  9. Farmgirl283420


    Do any of your roosters go into the nest box and call your hens to it? I love when Royal does that it’s so cute!
  10. Farmgirl283420


    He’s got that look in his eyes 😂 with Almanzo he would just glare at you! I could tell if he was gonna be fine around me or if he wanted to attack me! Both boys are really pretty! Sorry you lost Gold finger!
  11. Farmgirl283420


    I almost named one of my roosters that name! I’m not sure what Royal would do if a predator attacked the hens!
  12. Farmgirl283420


    I would love to see pictures! That’s good to know I raised all mine to be pets because I thought they were girls. None of them were that mean but only Royal was nice! Even was too but he was a silkie and couldn’t see well so he would run into you and flip out! Poor guy!
  13. Farmgirl283420


    Can’t wait to see them!
  14. Farmgirl283420


    Sorry your rooster isn’t very good! But like you said maybe Him isn’t so bad!
  15. Farmgirl283420


    Yes some roosters are like that! I got lucky with Royal!
  16. Farmgirl283420


    He is big! Knight was a little under a year in that picture I wonder if he got even bigger?!
  17. Farmgirl283420


    Yes he was!
  18. Farmgirl283420


    This is my first rooster knight. I didn’t raise him from a baby but I got him young. He was great with me not so good with other people. I didn’t have enough hens at the time so he was actually hurting them so I had to rehome him.
  19. Farmgirl283420


    I also do this with my roosters. They cuddle under my arms like I’m their mama hen. That’s why it’s so sad for me if they turn mean. Most are only slightly mean if they are at all. Royal, Almanzo and Amelia.
  20. Farmgirl283420


    This is Almanzo when he was younger! I don’t have many pictures of him before I rehomed him. This is also Almanzothis is Royal with his hens! This picture was taken when they were molting so they all look a little scruffy 😂 I gave my two silkie cockerels away when they were pretty young. Lewy...
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