broken foot

  1. NinjaGamer2022

    Coturnix Quail foot BROKEN OFF - ADVICE NEEDED

    This morning I went to check my sweet quails. My favorite quail I found with her foot broken off and bleeding. I immediately brought her in. I put cornstarch on her wound, but it's still bleeding a bit. The foot is connected to her leg by a very small amount of skin and/or flesh. What do I do...
  2. NinjaGamer2022

    EMERGENCY - 2 Coturnix Quail foot broken OFF

    This morning I went to check my sweet quails. My favorite quail I found with her foot broken off and bleeding. I immediately brought her in. I put cornstarch on her wound, but it's still bleeding a bit. The foot is connected to her leg by a very small amount of skin and/or flesh. What do I do...
  3. K

    Neighbors dog attack, hen broken foot. help

    I have a neighbor that was letting his dog free to play with our dog. The dog was getting pushy and blocking our dog from coming when we call him, or work when I need him to safely (thorough training) round up the chicken. Just recently 2 of my hens went missing along with my rooster. Our...
  4. MimiRatt

    Broken foot, or bumble?

    This is my Jersey Giant rooster’s foot. Two of his toes are doing this, and it terrifies me? He doesn’t seem to be in pain, so if it is broken it must be healed already. Could it be something else? Any help would be appreciated!
  5. D

    Broken toe? Infection? Fungus?

    I’m so confused what is causing this chicks foot to look like this! Anyone seen this before?
  6. A

    Looking to confirm sprained/ broken duck ankle

    I noticed one of my Jumbo Pekings limping on 12/22. I brought her inside to inspect, her right ankle is really swollen. There are no obvious signs of scratches, scrapes, or cuts. No bumblefoot foot "scabs". Her ankle does have some redness and it's warm. I've had her inside for 10 days. The...
  7. C

    Broken Foot? Please help!

    Hello! I am a new to the world of owning chickens. I have run into my first medical issue! One of my hens got caught when moving the range and seems to have hurt her foot. It is swollen at the base of the foot where the toes/nails attach. She has currently lost a nail and I was able to safely...
  8. Cotton Hill Chick

    Rooster Injured Foot ~ Your Thoughts?

    Hello BYC Friends! Yesterday afternoon I found Jasper, my cochin rooster, resting in the chicken yard. He allowed me to pick him up an handle him (usually he squirms). His left eye was partially closed and watery, and his right foot looked floppy. I kept him inside overnight to rest. Today...
  9. Maddiejayne

    Chicken injured foot help

    My hen has been limping for a few days and her foot looks like it has a bruise and some swelling around it. Is there anything I can do to help her foot heal or a way to stabilize it? Not sure what happened to her, but it looks like a sprain or something fell on it. We had been treating the...
  10. KaseySnow

    Is this a badly healed broken foot? Is she in pain? Help!

    I volunteer at a local history park with their chicken coop and just got an e-mail that they are thinking of euthanizing my favorite hen. She's an old Barred Cochin that I call Macy Gray. :( She has a bad foot and no one is quite sure what happened. I asked the director and she said the hen was...
  11. Christina.Rich

    Silkie chick strange foot-with pictures

    Hi everyone, I purchased some silkie chicks at a local auction hosted by a chicken/waterfowl group. When I came home to put them in their cage, I noticed one chick has a malformed foot. I’m not sure if it’s actually malformed (from birth) or if it is an injury. What do you guys think...
  12. ben0125

    Injured silkie! HELP?

    my two little silkies are around 3 months old. One I believe is a rooster, and one is a hen. Yesterday while feeding my silkies (Afro & Peep), I saw that Afro had injured her self and was limping. This morning I checked on her and she was still limping. I think the injury was caused by how they...
  13. Amer

    Rooster limping and has no show of any superficial injury.

    Our Cochin bantam rooster was limping, hopping super high on one foot and landing on it to move. He seems to not like to move because of this injury. There is no scab, scratch, or abscess. He is 8 months old and had no problems before this last week. I washed him in warm water in case he was...
  14. jmonahan

    Possible broken foot?

    Hello, One of my chickens was attacked by a stray dog on Friday. We found feathers everywhere and assumed she was dead. She came hobbling home the next day around noon, half plucked and limping. We have now quarantined her, cleaned her with epsom salts and sprayed genetian violate on her bite...
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