crushed egg

  1. Australorpfamily

    Survivor: tale of crushed hatchling

    Following the story of our Survivor. Backstory, Mama Noisy Girl went broody and we got her some Easter Egger eggs, yay! Thursday, March 14, we had some severe weather, and when I got home from work, I checked on eggs and noticed one had been crushed. I could hear a cheep, and honestly didn't...
  2. Lortnoc

    Broody crushed egg day 19. Help!

    My GLW has been sitting on three fertilized eggs. Today is day 19. I went to check in her and heard peeping, looked under her and found one egg half crushed with half the shell gone. Chick is alive and moving under the membrane, which isn’t pierced on the crushed side. I looked in the other side...
  3. WannaBeHillBilly

    [Graphic Pictures!] The mystery of the missing egg - solved!

    Hi friends, this is a spin-off thread of »Charleston we have a Broody here!«. - In a nutshell: Katharina, one of my Indian Runner ducks managed to hide a clutch of eggs from me and was suddenly sitting on nine eggs. Seven cheeky ducklings hatched, one egg was a stinker and one was missing. Two...
  4. Aussie-Chookmum

    Crushed egg in nesting box today after hen not laying for several months. Should I be worried?

    I have 4 hens. Two are 3.5 years old (Leghorn and Rhode Island Red) and two are just 20 weeks. Both the older hens moulted late last year/early this year and went off the lay. The leghorn started laying again about a month ago and the Rhode Island Red started squatting and checking out nest...
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