duck broken leg

  1. Fairywoodducks

    Duck with broken femur! Advice needed! Help!

    Sadly my duck Emmy (she's 3) took a tumble and broke her left leg/femer. The vet said I might be able to find a local vet to put a pin in her leg or the other option is amputation. I know birds have a hard time going under for surgery. I'm hoping her leg can be fixed, but is it too risky? Should...
  2. Morgan282

    Injured ducks

    So, I recently got 6 ducks from tractor supply. They're about 2 months old now. There's one duck that jumped out of the pool and had been limping and not moving too much on his left leg. I wrapped it with vetwrap and kept him in a small dog crate for about a week. But he kept limping and now the...
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