
  1. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Please Help! Eggbound & Possible Prolapsed Vent

    I have an eight and a half month old Buff Orpington (her name is Leeli) that is egg bound. She is panting and can barely stay awake. She can't stand up and doesn't have any balance. She is exhausted. I brought her inside and she passed some egg yolk. That confirmed my fears. We soaked her in...
  2. CooperCats

    Can wing injury cause unstableness

    I have a 16 week old Barred Rock pullet that had a freak accident. She caught her wing on a treat skewer hook that was hanging. I’m unsure how long she was caught on the hook but it could have been up to 7 hours as I last checked on them while home for lunch. She was laying rather limply with...
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