feather pulling

  1. T

    Not an immediate emergency- pulled feathers and possible abcess? Pictures

    Does anyone know what could have happened here? Did he pull his own feathers or were they pulled by his coopmates? Our chickens are about 10 weeks old and we are pretty sure this one is the rooster, so we'd be especially surprised if the coopmates pecked him. Our chickens are on a remote hobby...
  2. R


    This rooster has 10 ladies in play & 5 have raw backs? i need to decide whether or not to eliminate him from the flock. Right now he's separated. 1 is in currently in home hospital because of weakness.
  3. H

    Top hen being pecked?! Any advice?!

    Hello all, I'm new to henwiffery and will have had my first hens for 2 weeks tomorrow. They are 3 ex-commercial rescues, all pretty tatty and sorry looking on arrival but really finding their feet now! As there is only the three of them it's been pretty easy to determine who ranks where in the...
  4. E

    My 2 "bearded" Easter Eggers have bald necks from feather pulling. Pls help. URGENT!!!

    My 2 "bearded" Easter Eggers have bald necks from feather pulling. One of my blue marans and both of my Ideal 236 ( mix of brown and white leghorn, ancona, and california grey) have been pulling beard, neck and head feathers out of my EEs. this has been going on for several months but it have...
  5. E

    My 2 "bearded" Easter Eggers have bald necks from feather pulling. Any advice is appreciated.

    My 2 "bearded" Easter Eggers have bald necks from feather pulling. One of my blue marans and both of my Ideal 236 ( mix of brown and white leghorn, ancona, and california grey) have been pulling beard, neck and head feathers out of my EEs. this has been going on for several months but it have...
  6. R

    gosling pulling siblings new feathers

    Please help, i have 2 goslings, still young. like 2 weeks max. the feathers are coming in on one faster than the other. the more fuzzy of the 2 is now biting and ripping out the new feathers on her sister. Clover came with splayed leg, and was repaired, and she was the more calm docile one. She...
  7. Hella ChiCken

    My single girl…

    Hi, I’m looking for advice on a single chicken. After my divorce I moved to a new state. Unfortunately moving even part of my flock with me was not an option. So, I convinced my roommate getting some chicks would be fun. We went to a local place and bought three chickens. My grandkids weee...
  8. Djripke78

    Rooster isn’t responding to treatments

    We have a 7 year old giant white Cochin rooster named Hank. For about 12 months we have been struggling with him over-grooming and pulling out his feathers. A few of the hens had started pecking on him, especially on his feet and the tops of his wings. We initially thought the damage to the...
  9. Chicken_Mammy

    Cockerel lowest in pecking order?

    I just reintroduced my young cockerel to his old pullet playmates since he’s feathered out enough to join them. However, I noticed one of the pullets seems to bully him. If he walks by, she will chase, peck, and try to pull feathers! Will this pass? The other pullets don’t bother him. They’ve...
  10. M

    Hen pulling out her own feathers??!

    My chicken Blanche is a 2 year old GLW. I have been noticing in the past few days she's peen PULLING OUT HER OWN FEATHERS. I even saw her eat a few, I'm not sure it was intentional or not. One of her shoulders has a big bald spot. She is focusing on her shoulders and the side of her body. She's...
  11. R

    4 week old foster mascovies pulling each others fluff out..please help

    Please help! I live in a neighborhood where my HOA likes to kill the Muskovy‘s since they are not native here in Florida. A mama laid about 20 eggs in my yard and hatched. Two eggs were kicked out of the nest several times so they went in my incubator and ended up hatching. The rest outside...
  12. 2

    Feather pulling

    Morning :) I’ve noticed recently that one of my Easter Eggers and red star have started pulling and eating feathers from one of my polish, and my Roo. It’s a new behavior within maybe the last few weeks or so. I don’t really see how they are bored, they have things to do, they have a nice run...
  13. sammirae09

    Rooster is pulling out a lot of his feathers

    He’s a bit over 4 months old and he is getting a lot of new feathers could this be why he’s pulling spots of his feathers out? i was checking some of his skin areas and there doesn’t seem to be mites or anything
  14. Maine_chic

    At wits end!!!

    I recently posted about a feather picking problem. I don’t know how to resolve this issue!!!! I cover her vent (the area of feather loss) with Blue Kote daily which helps camouflage the bare area but now all of the hens are taking occasional little pecks at her. She has no wound, per se, but a...
  15. Jordan01

    Grooming out feathers?

    My chickens recently got attacked by a hawk, they're both fine but very stressed. They haven't left their coop since. They lost feathers in the attack and so I didn't really look into their feathers thinking out. I saw Pearl grooming her wing and a feather came loose and she kept grooming till...
  16. K

    Ducks pulling chickens feathers out.

    I ordered a cackle surprise box, 56 total arrived healthy but lost one last week. Theyre 2 weeks old as of today. Came with 2 ducks anyways i'm keeping them together I've heard mixed reactions if i should keep them together or seperate, when i had them seperated they just made noise all day and...
  17. Minichick123

    Bereaved Serama Chicken Needs Companion

    Hello! I am new to posting, though I've used this page for advice for a couple of years now. Here's my situation: Before I was divorced, I lived in the country. I had a mixed breed flock of 21 laying hens, 1 roo, 2 Serama hens, and 5 ducks. In the winter, my Seramas came indoors because one...
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