goose egg

  1. T

    How long will my goose sit on eggs if they don’t hatch?

    I have a goose sitting on 8 of her own eggs, I don’t know how long she’s been sitting on them but I think they’re overdue. I candled them, sniffed them, and did a float test. I removed 3 eggs I know for sure are dead and put the others back. Will a goose continue to sit on her eggs if they are...
  2. LouisChickon

    Goose laid 1 soft egg then stopped

    Hello, My goose laid her first soft egg on 10/26/23 and I have not seen an egg since. They are at the pond most of the day and locked in their pin at night. I have looked around the yard/pond and cannot find any evidence of a 2nd egg being laid. These are my first geese and not sure when to get...
  3. Brink

    Is this a goose egg? Or a large chicken egg?

    Hello everyone! I have two geese, one goose and one gander. My goose is a white chinese and she was hatched April 11, 2023 so that would make her just barly over 24 weeks old. I also have a variety of chickens that are the same age as her. Rhoad island reds, white and blue breasted leg horns...
  4. S

    White chinese goose doesn't lay eggs

    Hello! I am wondering why my 2 year old white Chinese goose has never laid an egg. I have 2 geese and 1 gander, they are all the same age and I am absolutely positive of their sex. One of the geese started laying when she was 7 months old (January 2022) and started laying again this season on...
  5. L

    Goose egg help please newbie!

    Please help! This is our first “breeding” season for our geese. Mumma laid 6 eggs, we are down to 4. She is incubating them herself, not in an incubator. From what I can understand these are fertile due to the shadow/air sack? Or were at some point. She started sitting on the night of 6th of...
  6. Dr Evy

    Goose egg candling help

    Hey guys, So I received two goose eggs from my aunt three days ago. I set them in my forced air incubator Saturday night with the temp set to 37.5 degrees and humidity at 45-50%. Tonight will be day three of incubation. One egg looks perfect so far, besides a little bit of a weird air cell. But...
  7. m1chelle1

    Goose egg Eggnog????

    Ok y’all let’s call this the most randomest question of the night! :gig:lol: Has anyone ever made or had eggnog that was made out of goose eggs??? :idunnoI am going to have quite the excess this year, and I also LOVE eggnog. Not sure, just thinking it could be good? Cheers M:bun
  8. m1chelle1

    Movement inside goose egg, day 23? Too early to hatch?

    Got movement in one of my goose eggs day 23….I know it’s too early. I stopped rotating them and put it on the side with the air sack up like the hatching guide recommended. Is it too soon to be expecting a hatch? I’m nervous something is wrong. The air sack looks ready already, too.
  9. BrittsChicks

    Need Help! Lockdown on day 26 or wait till day 28?

    I have a Pomeranian goose egg in the bator... I’ve seen a slight dip in the air cell...(put the egg in lockdown last night)...Today is day 26. Should I put the egg back in the turner for another day or just leave it in lockdown?...I’ve looked all over the Internet and can’t find a specific...
  10. S


    I’m wondering if this goose egg looks fertile or not? I’m new to this and am not sure. Thanks in advance.
  11. DuckFrenzy247

    Geese in Texas!

    Hey y’all! I’m right out of San Antonio and am looking for goslings to raise! Please help!
  12. S

    Trying to save goose egg

    Egg found after flood. No nest. Egg has been under heat lamp at 99 degrees and sprinkled with water when turned 4 times daily. Egg has been under lamp 4 days. Can someone tell if it's alive
  13. A

    New to Backyard Chickens

    Hi, I'm a 79 yr old partially disabled Vet living north of Seattle on Lake Washington and used to having birds of some kind for most of my life. I recently had a wonderful male goose and lost him. Now I'm looking for another (female since they don't honk as loud?) I'm looking for the best...
  14. R

    HELP! Canadian Goose

    I found a goose egg on March 30th in the pond half submerged, it was about 45degrees. We took it home and started incubating, miraculously the egg developed and is now fully formed in the shell, no internal pip though. Today (day 30) we noticed two little spots on the shell that oozed a clear...
  15. dinahmite89

    Help! My Dog brought home a single goose egg!!

    Hello All! So... my dog brought home a goose egg. One single goose egg in his mouth. It was the middle of the night so I just went into the barn and put it under the heat lamp with my chicks until I was able to deal with it further. I was told by the local wildlife center to just throw it out...
  16. G

    where do geese usually lay

    where would a goose lay
  17. quackenboss

    Gosling very late dead in shell, why?

    I had a tiny duck egg and a goose egg incubating together since 9/25/17. The duckling hatched on 10/23 but no progress with the goose egg. I thought maybe the incubator temp was too low and it just needed time. This morning it passed the float test but a while ago I started worrying about it...
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