hatch help

  1. M

    Help First Time Hatcher!!

    Hi! I recently started hatching my first group of 72 eggs. Out of 72 on day 14 I candled and 51 were fertile and growing well. I locked down the incubator at 99.5 F and 65-70% humidity. At 6 pm last night we had four pips on day 18. Since then we have had 6 successfully hatch and have 11 more...
  2. S

    Turkeys won’t hatch

    My husband ran over a nest of turkey eggs and since mom was likely not coming back we decided to try to incubate the four eggs left. We don’t know the exact day the eggs were laid, but based off of candling the turkeys should hatch one day this week. One hatched yesterday, all on its own the...
  3. R

    Chick pipped and began to zip but nothing further has happened!!

    This is my first time hatching any type of chicks. I have already hatched 7/16 chicks so far and they’re all fine! Now this one pipped last night sometime between 10 and 12, I went to sleep and when I woke up it was a little more open. Now it is nearly 6 and there has been no more movement. I...
  4. R

    Chick pipped and began to zip but nothing further has happened!!

    I have already hatched 7 chicks so far and they’re all fine! Now this one pipped last night sometime between 10 and 12, I went to sleep and when I woke up it is not a little more open. Now it is nearly 6 and there has been no more movement. I took most chicks out and put them in the brooder a...
  5. Isadora

    How long to wait before assisting goose egg

    I believe I'm on day 29 of incubation with a buff/pilgrim goose egg. Temperature is at 99 and humidity is 70 percent. I had one hatch this morning and the other hatch day before yesterday. There's two eggs left in the incubator. One I didn't have good hopes for in the first place because the air...
  6. D

    Help please does this duckling need help hatching

    12 hours since 1st pip...........not sure what to do. Have read posts still don't know what I am looking at. Beak visiable. Making some chirps. White membrane is tough.
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