pet pigeons

  1. sillybillyhappygirl

    Can I travel with my pet pigeon?

    I don't have a pigeon yet but I likely will in the near future, so I'm just thinking ahead. I don't go out of town very often, but every now and then my family and I will take a trip to visit a relative or something. Sometimes it's just a day trip, but sometimes it's a couple of days, or on...
  2. pigeonpuddle

    Where to buy Indian Fantail Pigeons?

    I’m looking to buy an indian or mindian fantail soon, but i’m struggling to find any reliable breeders near me/can ship to me (austin, texas) and aren’t sold out. I’m specifically looking for an almond or beige/dilute-red hen. if anyone knows any breeders that breed those colors, please let me...
  3. I

    New member in San Diego

    Hi all! I’m a new member in San Diego. I have rescue pigeons as pets and am looking to connect with other pigeon people to ask/answer questions, share tips, find available pigeons, etc.
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