Chick feeder frustration

I stare at that same chick feeder every year when I'm getting my brooder ready for chicks but I pass it up for round feeders that I can elevate with 2x6 wood blocks. I also give my chicks mash (add water to starter,) in a bowl and elevate that. The long feeder becomes a place to perch as well as other issues so I just don't use it anymore.
I do what @SandyRiverChick does as well.
:rolleyes:Oh the trials and tribulations of preventing food waste. It is what it is but you can lessen the waste, not eliminate it. As they commented above to slightly elevate it, is one solution. Hanging is another. The main goal is to prevent them from jumping on it and stop the scratching at it. Scratching is instinctual and they are hardwired that way. That's how if they were born wild, they would scratch the ground to uncover dinner.
I fashion wire fencing formed in a circle, with holes just enough for their heads to stick through. The ring is made tall to keep them little boogers from jumping up top to soil in their dinner. Look in the BYC forums about homemade feeds and solutions. There is a lot of good info there.
I would love to see a picture of your design.

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