Chicken Molting Again?!


Premium Feather Member
Sep 1, 2021
Atlanta, GA
Hi All. This is not an emergency, so hopefully I’ve put it in the right forum.
I have three 2.5 year old hens, this is their second year molting and taking a Laycation. First BO molted in September, second BO molted in October, and my Welsummer started molting in November. She currently looks like she was mauled by a large animal, but she isn’t the issue. My second BO laid eggs for 2 weeks after she molted (weird), and has just started losing all her down feathers again! The coop/run looks like a pillow fight, anyone know if this is normal molting?
They are fed 20% Kalmbach All Flock with oyster shell on the side, I see no evidence of mites or lice. Should I start giving them Poultry Cell or other vitamins? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
I've had birds go into "double molt." There are many reasons why it happens; weather, variable temperatures, pecking order issues, feed changes, predator problems etc...
I wouldnt worry too much about it.
You can increase protein content with Gamebird feed given to your birds when in molt. Once mostly feathered out, wean them from the gamebird feed back to regular layer feed.
I don’t see anything out of the ordinary that would stress them, but it was warm at Thanksgiving (I figured that might be why she laid), and of course is now back to the usual “Atlanta Cold” (ie Spring to those of you up North).
I’ll try increasing the protein.

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