Day 19 of incubating, eggs not moving


Nov 2, 2023
First time incubating so a total newbie and I'm looking for some input in regards to eggs movement during lockdown.

All the eggs were very active and moving yesterday on day 18, I've raised humidity to 65% and lowered temp to 37.5⁰C and took out the auto turning thingy, and today none of the eggs moved, and I was checking constantly... :( I'm so worried now... :(
Are they dead and what did I do wrong? :(
First time incubating so a total newbie and I'm looking for some input in regards to eggs movement during lockdown.

All the eggs were very active and moving yesterday on day 18, I've raised humidity and lowered temp to 37.5⁰C and took out the auto turning thingy, and today none of the eggs moved, and I was checking constantly... :( I'm so worried now... :(
Are they dead and what did I do wrong? :(
They are probably sleeping. Hatching is hard work, and baby chicks need large amounts of sleep (this is especially obvious in the first day or two after they hatch.)

If they are dead, it is too late to fix. Most likely they are fine but will do best if you just leave them alone for now. They need to keep growing, absorb the egg yolk, decide where to poke through the shell, and probably some other things before they will be ready to hatch.

When you see the first beaks pipping through the shells, get ready to wait forever (or so it feels). Normal healthy chicks can sometimes take 24 hours or more from that point until they are actually out of the shell.

You could read the article on assisted hatching:
It has some notes about how long to wait at what stage of the process, before doing anything. Most healthy chicks do not need anything in that article, and will hatch just fine. But if you think there is a problem, it can be a helpful place to look for ideas (like the idea that a chick with a beak sticking out, that looks like it is chewing or yawning, is NOT ready to come out. It is still absorbing the yolk, and is likely to die if you pull it out of the shell at that point.)
They are probably sleeping. Hatching is hard work, and baby chicks need large amounts of sleep (this is especially obvious in the first day or two after they hatch.)

If they are dead, it is too late to fix. Most likely they are fine but will do best if you just leave them alone for now. They need to keep growing, absorb the egg yolk, decide where to poke through the shell, and probably some other things before they will be ready to hatch.

When you see the first beaks pipping through the shells, get ready to wait forever (or so it feels). Normal healthy chicks can sometimes take 24 hours or more from that point until they are actually out of the shell.

You could read the article on assisted hatching:
It has some notes about how long to wait at what stage of the process, before doing anything. Most healthy chicks do not need anything in that article, and will hatch just fine. But if you think there is a problem, it can be a helpful place to look for ideas (like the idea that a chick with a beak sticking out, that looks like it is chewing or yawning, is NOT ready to come out. It is still absorbing the yolk, and is likely to die if you pull it out of the shell at that point.)
The eggs started chirping this morning and we have 3 already that pipped 🥰 yayy!!!
Thank you! We are very excited! 🥰
First time hatching and cheap chinese incubator was a success :D
We've got 2 dark brahmas, 2 black polish and 2 silver laced chicks 🥰


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