Deformed chicken

Sunny Potato

Nov 28, 2023
This is nothing recent, I just want to share this, idk why really but I feel like its right. Maybe so other people who've had birds pass from being deformed know they aren't alone. I don't really know. But I did cry while typing this.

So I had a Leghorn named Sunny(she is my online name everywhere) when she was first born nothing was really obviously wrong with her. but as they started to grow and we put them outside we could tell that she was more or less of a runt of the group and that's all we thought, she had another chicken named nugget that would be her friend and those two went everywhere with each other.
So we thought okay she'll be fine.

one day my mom went outside to check on them cuz at the point we would have them living outside and she noticed that Sunny did not look right. her neck was not right (if you want to go down to the bottom of the post or wherever the pictures show I will put pictures of her)
So concerned my mom grabbed her and took her inside, and we determined that yes there was something wrong with her. Her neck appeared to kind of curve into her body which is not normal if you didn't know-
And at some point she just stopped growing. Not wanting her to get picked on and die outside from the rest of her little group we kept her inside.
and at this point in my life at my age I did not want to sleep on my bed so I slept out in the living room on the floor and she was kept out near the living room on the floor in a little box that's where she would sleep so I got to basically sleep with her :)

That only made our Bond a lot more stronger cuz you know I would sleep with her I would talk to her and make her watch videos with me, I would basically bring her everywhere with me including outside as well I would go outside with her as long as I kept her near me she'll be fine.

My mom ordered little infant masks and we used those as diapers, we would just put them around her wings and she didn't like them of course but she had to have them if she was running around our house which she was-
And a lot of my fond of memories of her is just walking around and hearing her chasing me and then one time I walked into my parents room laid down on the floor with a pillow and seconds later I heard her run after me and she walked over to me and laid down on the pillow with me that's probably one of my best key memories with her.

But near the time when I was getting colder she started getting a lot worse. This definitely had something to do with cause she was deformed, and it was first just her having really fast movements all of the sudden, like flipping her whole body around and kicking aggressively. And we decided she must have been having some kind of seizure.
She would still walk around during the day but it still happened and she would just randomly have these seizures, it really only got worse cuz she started breathing heavily really heavily and just wouldn't stop mix that together with her moving really fast and having to pant after that it was not good.

One day after school I was outside it was now I think almost December and I was just outside having fun with our other chickens came inside talked spoke to Sunny some and then went back outside and when I came back in that second time my parents had informed me that she had died almost like right after I went back outside and they told me and I like to believe that she passed right then because I had just spoke to her.

Picture of her(more in gallery)


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