HELP! Day 19 broody hen has mites


In the Brooder
Jan 19, 2024
Hi everyone!
This is my first egg hatch. 😊Last night I noticed tiny round bugs crawling all over my arm after touching my broody hen. 🤨 After further inspection I noticed them crawling on her eggs too.😧 Oh, no! I did some research and purchased a bag of permethrin dust this morning.

My questions are: 🤔
  1. Is it safe for her to sit on the eggs with the dust on her? (the chicks will be hatching soon 🐣)
  2. Should I sprinkle the dust in the nesting box?
  3. Is the dust safe for newly hatched chicks?
  4. Should I dust the eggs or is that a terrible idea?
While I was out shopping for the dust I also bought a new nesting box. She is currently using a cardboard box. I am going to switch her into the new and improved nesting box after her dusting. I also bought new nesting material. I am throwing out all of the old stuff. Luckily the old stuff was a cardboard box. 😜

Thank you and any other advice is welcome!

Also, I am not sure if this is important but I live on a tropical island.🌴🥥 It is currently 89 degrees today. 🥵 My chickens free range in the day. Ok, that's all I can think of that might help with my questions.

Thanks in advance!



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So cute aren't they!?

I'd just watch close and make sure they don't have mites on them. Repeat dusting your broody in 5-7days to help kill off any mites that have hatched out.

I put the dust in a sock and use it like a powder puff, tap it onto the feathers, then work the dust all the way through the feathers to the skin. For your broody, work the fine dust through her feathers, the chicks will crawl and snuggle into her, they will get some of the dust on them, which is o.k. - better than mites eating them. But if the chicks do get bugs on them, lightly dust them too.

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