Roo picking on older roo

How did this resolve? @feather16
Sorry I missed the notification, but we have settled into a routine. I’ll come in and open his coop door first, but Wyatt will still wait to get pushed out by Jareth. When he does, I try to have the run door wide open for him to run through. And then he’ll be a free ranging boy all day, and wait for me to open the run door at night so he can put himself to bed. He seems to be doing rather well, actually. He waits by my door for extra treats. I leave out food and water for him during the day, and he’ll hang out with the outdoor pup all day. It was kind of sad at first, and I do think he’s a little lonely.. but it seems to be working.

I wish I had the space to set up his own run (it couldn’t be sharing a fence with Jareth, because even the fence between him, Wyatt is still convinced he’ll get him) but our little set up seems to work for now. And the in-laws won’t let me have more space than what I have already.

Thanks for everyone’s input and advice! I’m not super stoked on an old man being free range all day, but we can only do what we can.

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