Sick duck


Nov 8, 2023
Hi so I have four ducks two drakes two hens not a great ratio but that’s all I got I plan for more in the spring though. I think one of my younger drakes is sick. every day when I bring them out to their run, they get excited flap and try to fly(they are runners so they can’t fly). One of my drakes has not been flapping at all. at first, it seemed fine but then he started not flying, even when I tossed him over the fence, which is like 2 feet my hens fly like there getting thrown off the world. I’ve checked and I can’t find any broken bones. He seems to even be losing a little weight. His poops have also been green. His mom is a very fat duck so for him to be lighter than all of them is quite concerning. His eyes have also been dripping a bit, but so have my other Drakes and he doesn’t seem sick at all. it’s also currently winter time and it’s been quite cold and windy. If it’s too cold, I don’t bring them out and I thought this was probably why their eyes have been dripping.

I’m getting really worried and I hope I’m overreacting.
help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
I don't want to leave you hanging so just writing some support here! I hope he recovers soon but my go-to beyond 48 hrs of no change is the vet. 🙁 sending healing juju!

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