Poor girl I wonder how she did that? Good at least the egg is coming out maybe it would be a good idea to keep up with the cal glu just for extra support in getting the egg moving through. I haven’t any info on trying to get her to stop laying I haven’t had to do this with any of my girls but you should start a new thread and see if anyone can help. I do believe it’s keeping them in the dark that is suppose to stop them from laying but that isn’t for good. I am glad to hear she is still going strong though and you have finally found out what the problem is.
How is Pipsqueak doing did she lay again?
Not yesterday but yes another one this morning. It is just slightly deformed to one side like the first one was and it seemed to take a lot out of her when I let them out this morning she didn't come out with the rest. I will make another thread about limiting her light today
Just set up a cage for her in my garage it's the only place in the house that can be completely dark with no light pollution. Im gonna put her in there tonight and try to keep her on the 10hr/day of daylight cycle and see how she does. Don't love having her in a cage but it's a very limited amount of space I am working with maybe I can eventually upgrade it to a small pen but today my power went out in the hot florida summer so I'm gonna have to work as much as I can for a bit to help my dad pay the electric bill then I will look into it


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I hope it works! Also I don’t know if you’ve even thought about the implant but if you do think about it there are a couple of members who have gone that route and I will tag them so you can hear first hand about this procedure. Sorry about the power going out. I am a Florida native and remember how hot and humid it can get. Hope you get it back on soon.

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