Wet vent ONLY when she lays eggs


In the Brooder
Apr 3, 2023
I adopted a stray chicken last year that was hanging out in my yard. We caught her when it got very cold out to save her and she had freezer burn on her crown. We brought her in last winter and built her an outdoor coop in the spring and got her a friend. She laid us many eggs all last winter, spring, summer, however PROBLEM. I have noticed since we got her that ONLY when she is in laying egg mode, she gets a white and clear drippy wet vent. I have bathed the vent every two days, put monastat, in vent, apple cider vinegar drinking water with the mother, bathed vent with apple cider vinegar chicken vent sprays for gleet vent, Greek yogurt heathy diet etc. It clears up only when she stops laying eggs. This summer she laid her last egg on July 20 th. She is a broader so I have to deal with trying to break her of that too. Broaded for over 30 days in July but I kept taking her out Of nest to break her of it. Her vent has been fine since July but I’ve noticed only when she stopped laying, but…she just started to lay again November 30 th. And guess what…she is dripping clear and has white wet butt again. Could this be hormonal meaning only when she lays eggs that she gets this? How can I get this fixed? Are her eggs safe to eat? Now that we have her outside in coop I worry about bringing her in to bathe her butt Only to take her out in the cold. She is a funny chicken, let’s me blow dry her etc. but I would like to find out why this happens. Her other companion does not get this problem when laying eggs. I am starting to think that nearby chicken owners dumped her due to this high maintenance issue. I have no clue of her age. She is a happy, controlling spoiled chicken. Can someone please help or give some insite on this? She is the brown hen pictured below.


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I’ve used natural dewormer, demectics earth, red pepper. The poop good like it should be, but as soon as the brown hen started laying eggs, boom leaky wet butt with white resembling gleet, and only her every time. But if goes away when she breaks from egg laying

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