What should I make?

Chicken boy 1156

May 16, 2023
HN Mississippi
Ok so I have a lot of chickens that we are gonna breed and we are getting an incubator soon. I would like to know what we would get from our chickens.

Black copper marans
Barred rock
Sliver laced Wyandotte
Easter egger
Olive egger
Sapphire splash

Barred rocks
Red sex links
Wheaton ameracuana
Olive egger
Silver laced Wyandotte
Partridge Brahma
Sapphire splash
Rhode Island Red
Different breed of Easter egger
All kinds of diff ameracauna

If you have any information on any of these crosses please respond, and also which would be the best crosses for egg laying
Best crosses for egg laying: the ones from the parents that are best layers. Any combination of your hens and roosters should give daughters that lay reasonably well, but the high production hybrids are likely to be the best of the lot (that probably means the Sapphire Splash rooster with the Red Sexlink and Sapphire Splash hens.)

For egg color:
If the hen lays brown eggs, and the rooster is from a brown-egg breed, then the daughters will lay brown eggs.

Hens with the blue egg gene will lay eggs that are blue or green or dark green (olive). The Easter Egger and Olive Egger roosters should have the blue egg gene, so at least some of their daughters should lay colored eggs. Any hen who lays blue or green or olive eggs should also produce some daughters that lay colored eggs. The exact shade of blue, green, or olive may be different from mother to daughter, or even between hens that are full sisters.

Single comb x single comb will produce chicks with single combs. Single comb chicks can also come from some combinations of other comb types. Chicks with a rose comb must have a parent with a rose comb (Wyandotte). Chicks with a pea comb must have a parent with a pea comb (Brahma, Ameraucana, some Easter Eggers, some Olive Eggers.) You might get some walnut combs (genetically rose + pea).

Any chicken with a beard has a chance of producing chicks with beards (Ameraucanas, some Easter Eggers, some Olive Eggers.)

Chickens with feathered feet will often produce chicks with feathered feet (Brahma).

For colors, large lists of possible parents tend to produce enormous lists of possible chicks. The really short version is: that set of parents can produce chicks with black, blue, white, and gold/copper/red in many different patterns and arrangements.

Longer version of color predictions:

Black Copper Marans rooster should produce:
--with Barred Rock hens, sexlinked chicks. Daughters will be black, sons black with white barring.
--with Rhode Island Red hens, Partridge Brahma hens, and Wheaten Ameraucana hens, chicks should be mostly black with some bits of red or copper (more or less than the amount of copper on the Marans, depending on which mother.)
--with Red Sexlink hens, about half the chicks should look like the ones from the Rhode Island Reds. The others will have white instead of the black, although the "white" may look yellowish or have dots of black or otherwise not look like a nice clean white.
--with Sapphire Splash hens, blue chicks who may have some amount of gold or copper or red or silver (mostly in the same places as the copper on Marans.)

Barred Rock rooster with most of your hens will produce black chicks with white barring, with some chicks having a bit of silver or gold leakage as they grow up. With Sapphire Splash hens, chicks should be blue with white barring. With Red Sexlink hens, some chicks will be black with white barring and some will be white (also with the gene for white barring, but white barring on white feathers may not be very obvious!) With Barred Rock hens, of course he will produce pure Barred Rock chicks.

Silver Laced Wyandotte Rooster should produce:
--with Barred Rock hens, sexlinked chicks. Daughters will be black, sons black with white barring. Either gender may show some silver leakage as they get older.
--with Rhode Island Red hens, Partridge Brahma hens, and Wheaten Ameraucana hens, chicks should have some kind of black and silver patterning. It will probably not be nice lacing, but might sort-of resemble it. The pattern may look different on chicks from one mother vs. another, but all should have some sort of pattern. The "silver" may look yellowish or dirty, instead of being a clean white. Sons may get some red leakage as they grow, especially in their shoulders.
--with Red Sexlink hens, about half the chicks should look like the ones from the Rhode Island Reds. The others will have white instead of the black, so they will look mostly white but may have yellowish shades, red leakage, and/or small dots of black.
--with Silver Laced Wyandotte hens, of course he will produce pure Silver Laced Wyandotte chicks.
--with Sapphire Splash hens, blue chicks who may have some amount of silver leakage.

Sapphire Splash rooster should produce blue chicks with most of your hens, and some white chicks with the Red Sexlink hens. I do not know whether his chicks with most hens will have white barring or not. From Barred Rock mothers, sons will have white barring, and daughters might or might not. With Sapphire Splash hens, all chicks should be splash (these chicks are not a pure breed, because Sapphire Splash is a hybrid, but splash x splash should give splash chicks no matter what breed or mix is involved.)

Easter Eggers and Olive Eggers come in so many colors, I won't even try to predict what they will produce, as the father or as the mother.

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