Good job! I really love all the references in the article. That is amazing! What hard work finding all of these.
Since the prevention of Angel Wing focuses mainly on proper diet, I would have liked to see more about what a "proper" diet is. The reference I saw in the article seems to focus on healthy treats such as fresh greens which I am sure are awesome to provide a good balance of vitamins and minerals to growing ducklings.
However, with my own birds, I have found that while overall diet quality is always important, for angel wing it is effective to drop the protein percentage down to about 13% or a bit less the moment the feathers begin to poke out of the wings and to keep it that low until the wings are fully feathered. This is about a two or three week period. It is my own experience - but I have not researched this! - that I can feed any level of protein before and after that period without causing Angel Wing. I have also noticed that if I am feeding an 18% -24% protein food (even of the best brand!) and I forget to drop the protein level when the feathers begin to poke out of the wings, I immediately begin to see the start of Angel Wing in some or many of my ducklings.
As this is only my own experience, I would love to see an article that adresses exactly what dietary changes are effective for other people.
I have NOT found a direct relationship between fresh food and the presence or absence of Angel Wing. Again, I have not researched this, it is only my experience with my own flock.