I am very new to this whole Chicken thing ;o) . I have a Peking duck. Have had her 3yrs so I'm a little familiar. I just got my 6 pullets today and have them brooding in a large cardboard box indoors. I thought I might use a large plastic tote but was told not to??? Just want to make sure they are warm enough. How close should I have my light. In some of these pics it looks really close. I have my light about 2 1/2 feet above the box. Is that to high or far away from them? I do have an area large enough in the box that the light is no on so they can move if they get to warm. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated! Thx!
have a 5x5 custom coop with man entry door, has electric inside and window and vent if need be. Planning on putting brooder box in there, what ya think?
My chicks are quickly outgrowing their cardboard box home. I now have a refrigerator box that I will cut to size. I have 12 chicks that are 2 weeks old. How much space will they need for a few more weeks? I tried moving them out to the chicken coop but found that I have not made it snake proof so back in the house we go. Very scary experience earlier today! We live in FL it has been very warm. Anyway, before I start cutting that box, how big does it need to be? They love running around and flapping their wings and jumping up on things. Some can fly a short distance, like18-20 inches. I want them to get the proper exercise and be happy little chicks. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!
We are currently giving our chicks at least 4 square feet per chick and we only have four. Most places say a minimum of 3 square feet and give a range of 3-5 square feet per chicken.
We are currently giving our chicks at least 4 square feet per chick and we only have four. Most places say a minimum of 3 square feet and give a range of 3-5 square feet per chicken. I hope this helps.
My husband made our new larger brooder for our fast growing chicks, the new design is posted on my blog at http://backyardfarming411.blogspot.com/
Total Cost = 0.51 cents for a 4 ft X 4 ft brooder
Just joined BYC tonight....Last week I bought 2 ducks and 6 chicks at our local Tractor Supply. I am super excited! I built my brooder out of 2- 24" x 24" x 18" packing boxes purchased for $1.56 each. Taped them together at the flaps, cut two holes out of each box and PRESTO! I had a brooder. I then put puppy pads on the bottom of the box and put about 2 inches of pine shavings in there. I figured I could remove the puppy pads that were wet daily and not get my cardboard wet. Posted a pic of my homemade brooder. I can't believe how much they've grown in one week!
I'm new to chickening with 12 new chicks.
Was on my way to but some wood to make a brooder and saw a clean looking Ikea wood slatted crib out on the curb. No baby or toys inside, so I figured it must be a freebie.
Brought it home, disinfected it, lined it with mesh, filled it with shavings and birds and I think I got myself one heck of a brooder
I have a brooder but its a cardboard box and it has 2 sextions..one for sleeping and one for feeding and drinking.i have 2 chicks that are 1 1/2 weeks old and i have a 250 watt bulb thats a foot of the ground is that all good.............
My husband and I made a brooder out of a kitchen hutch we found at a local thrift store for $10. We repainted it and added some doors and chicken wire.... I'm just SO in love with it! I wish they stayed in the brooder longer!
Hopefully I'll love the coop we plan to build off our shed just as much!
got an old bureax here dropdown destop for broodbox ,2under cupboards could be wired an also inside, & underdrawer for dropping tray! sorted for winter roost...hopefully now just need a handyman!