Now it's time to meet Skip's flock favorite...the Silkies. We have a total of 5 Blue/Black/Splash. Three are pullets, 2 are cockerals. Out of the 5, one is a Splash pullet, we have one Black cockeral and three Blues: one cockeral and 2 pullets.
After we finished working on the main coop/run, the Silkies got the Teacup Pterodactyl Townhouse to themselves.
Click on thumbnails for bigger pictures.
Just a few days old...

3 week old Silky...
StaPuff, 9 week old Splash pullet...
StaPuff at 24 weeks old...
One of two, Blue pullets at 24 weeks old...
Blackbeard, 24 week old Black Silky cockeral...
Bluebeard, 24 week old Blue Silky cockeral...
On October 11th, of the 3 girls gave us our first Silky egg at 21 weeks, 3 days old!
At 25 weeks, one of the Blue twins decided to go broody for us. Due to the time of year (we've been in the low 20's most of the week, at night) and lack of coop/run space, we are breaking our broodies at this point in time. She was put in "Chicken Jail" last night and will reside there for the next few days.
6/9/08...found this huge egg in the Silky nest box...OUCH!


You can see more pictures here: Chicken Breeds
Thanks for stopping by and checking out our pages!
Dawn & Skip